The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 206 Seeing the Black-clothed Assassin 3 Again

Chapter 206 Seeing the Black-clothed Assassin 3 Again
Chapter 120 Seeing the Black-clothed Assassin Again

The man in black let go of the pervert, and stabbed at the stinky fart king on the bed.

My head was getting more and more dizzy, and in a trance, I seemed to see the King of Farts suddenly jumped up from the bed, and swung the quilt to block the sword flower stabbed by the man in black.Seeing that Xiao Huaihua was not injured, but just fainted, the big satyr thought it was strange, but he didn't care to investigate carefully.

Leaping up to help the Fart King, he wanted to capture the man in black together with the strength of the two of them. Who knew that the man in black was very skilled in martial arts, so he forced the two of them back with his sword flower.

A large number of guards rushed in from outside the door. Seeing that this could not be done, the man in black suddenly grabbed Xiao Chaobai who had fainted on the ground, swung his sword horizontally, and placed it between Xiao Chaobai's neck.

"Don't hurt her!" The big satyr cast a slap in the face, letting the man in black escort the little badass away.I couldn't hold it any longer, and fell to the ground with a bang...

When he woke up, it was already dark.Sitting by the bed was a man, with bandaged hands, dozing off.

I smiled warmly, sat up lightly, and reached out to caress his sword-like slanted eyebrows.Big satyr, I knew you cared about me!Hehe, it's so late, and I'm injured and haven't gone back, but I want to sit here and protect me, should I laugh or cry...

"Feifei, are you awake? How do you feel?"

I smiled lightly, "I'm so thirsty!" The big pervert immediately brought me a glass of water that seemed to have been prepared a long time ago, but refused to let me take it, and fed the glass to my lips.I happily pursed my lips and smiled, and opened my mouth to drink.The more you drink, the thirstier you feel, and it is not good until you drink three cups.

"Strange, why do I drink so much water?"

"Of course. You took the perspiration medicine by mistake. You have to drink a lot of water when you wake up. You don't have much water. Drink some more later." The pervert thoughtfully put a handkerchief on my lips, which overflowed from drinking too quickly coming water.

As soon as I heard it, I suddenly remembered what happened at noon, "Ah! What happened to the little villain? Wasn't he captured by the assassin? Was he rescued? Where is the king of stinky farts? And you, you were injured..." Finally The important thing is, they already know that we are Mongolian sweat medicine, so has the "culprit" been found out?

The big satyr smiled nonchalantly, "It's okay, my injury is small, it will heal in a few days. The little villain was rescued by Chu Xuan, and the king of stinky farts, uh, brother Wang has profound skills, and he is safe and sound!"

I was about to make fun of him for calling the king a stinky fart king like me, but he changed the subject, "However, your sister Ye Qianqian is in serious trouble!"
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Chapter 120 Two

(End of this chapter)

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