Chapter 210
Chapter 120 Two


Ziyu watched with cold eyes, seeing his unmoving face, but there was a slight smile in those eagle-like eyes.I guess I thought I was jealous when I saw the pervert and Yueyue'er together, so I came to test the pervert on purpose.In his smile, most of the ingredients are for fun.

After "carefully" wiping Yueyue'er's sweat off, the big satyr stood there at a loss for a while, but looked at me.

I giggled, but Yueyue'er's face was flushed, revealing the look of a little girl.As if I suddenly remembered something, I patted my forehead and said: "By the way, I almost forgot, the king is looking for His Royal Highness King Yun, and he sent his servant to look for you. His Highness King Yun, please go with your servant!"

The big satyr breathed a sigh of relief, feeling very lucky to be free, he confessed to Yueyue'er and Ziyu, and left with me.Yueyue'er didn't want to at first, but because the king summoned her, she had to let him go.

"Feifei, listen to my explanation..."

As soon as I left the gazebo, the pervert pulled me to explain in a hurry. I pressed his lips, took his hand back, turned around, and quietly hid aside to monitor the movement in the pavilion.I don't know when the pollen will work...

Seeing that I didn't blame him, the pervert took the initiative to hold his hand. He was so happy that he breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his usual flirtatious nature. Instead, he grabbed me tightly by his hand, and breathed hot air ambiguously next to me, "Feifei , is there something wrong with that veil?"

I pointed back to resist his teasing, and said softly: "Of course, otherwise such a good thing, how could it be cheaper for you two!"

The big pervert laughed softly, stretched his arms around my waist, almost bit my earlobe and said: "Hey, I know Feifei cares about me. The more jealous you are, the more I like it, and I'm afraid that you will be indifferent How about Zhong. I saw you go with Prince Xi on your arm that day, so I don’t need to worry too much..."

I interrupted his sweet dream with disdain, "You are so beautiful! I will not hang myself on a tree. If you don't treat me sincerely, I will naturally forget you and never pester you. There are so many good men for me to choose from, but I gave you a chance, you should feel extremely honored!"

The big pervert was immediately discouraged, with a wry smile on his face, and was about to speak when I yanked him, "Look..."
PS: I saw your comments. You guys are so amazing. I made a fuss on purpose, but you all figured it out!

I have to say, you guys are awesome!Oh ha ha ha ~~~~`
(End of this chapter)

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