Chapter 211
Chapter 120 Three Thrilling Things About Leaving the Palace


The big pervert was immediately discouraged, with a wry smile on his face, and was about to speak when I yanked him, "Look..."

I saw Yueyue'er covering her face and rushing out of the pavilion, Ziyu followed behind her.Yueyue'er stumbled and bumped into the flowers, red grass and green several times. Fortunately, Ziyu was there to help, otherwise she would have been in a terrible situation!
I clapped my hands and cheered, "Oh yeah! It's a success, it's a success! If you dare to fight with me in the future, hum!"

I raised my chin proudly, and met the big satyr's proud eyes, "You said you don't care about me, hehe, I know what you're thinking, girl!" After that, I was worried, "Did you mess with her? Is there any serious problem? She will know that you did it when she goes back, and with her unruly and willful temper, she will definitely trouble you! Feifei, you are too willful!"

I was so dissatisfied, I pouted and glanced at him, "Hmph! Are you worried about her suffering? Then you go and comfort her, as long as you go, I guarantee that she will forget all her grudges!" "After finishing speaking, I didn't forget to give him a glance, and walked back nonchalantly.

Hmph, big pervert, if you really dare to go, I will tell you to look good!
The sound of footsteps made me smile triumphantly.The big satyr said helplessly: "How could I! I'm just worried about you. She has skills and is a princess. If she really wants to make things difficult for you, you are no match for her!"

I said confidently: "Don't worry, as long as Ziyu doesn't tell her what kind of pollen I have, I will have a way to pass." Ziyu probably won't say it, but it's her sister, so it's hard to say...

"Ziyu? Are you familiar with Prince Xi?" The pervert stepped in front of me, really jealous!
I grinned, "Familiar-" The big pervert looked bitter, and I continued, "I've met you three times, of course I'm familiar with you!" They wanted to catch me, so I let out a strange cry and ran away...

The pervert is fine, take me back to the house.

I thought of Xiaobaihuai and Chu Xuan, and I didn't know if they were still there, so I pulled the big pervert and approached mysteriously.The room was very quiet, there was no sound, probably they had left.

As soon as he pushed the door, he saw Xiao Huai bad sitting there crying silently with tears streaming down his face!
(End of this chapter)

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