Chapter 213
Chapter 120 Three Thrilling Things About Leaving the Palace


Pulling the little villain to shuttle freely among the crowd, the big satyr followed rather embarrassingly.It's useless for him to have martial arts. In this crowded place, even if you have great kung fu, you can't use it. On the contrary, Xiaobaiba and I are petite, and we are extremely flexible in moving through the crowded crowd.

Poor big pervert, following us two little girls, can only do coolies.Little bad and I swept all the way, but the big pervert's arms were already full of boxes, big and small, not to mention all kinds of gadgets.In order to make Xiao Huabai happy, I tried my best to instigate her to buy this and that, so that she could put aside the unhappiness brought by Chu Xuan.

After a while, the big satyr bad had piled up into a hill, but the little bad and I were holding several bunches of candied haws in our hands, eating happily!

"Hey, what kind of restaurant is this, so magnificent?" I bit my candied haws and said vaguely.

Xiao Huai bad also looked over and nodded greatly.The voice of the big pervert buried behind a mountain of things came: "It's your Shangri-La, didn't you entrust me to take care of it for you?"

"Really?" I was shocked when I heard it, and looked carefully again. "Wow, that's not bad, it's so majestic! It's the first time I've seen my masterpiece!" My eyes widened, and I couldn't believe that this was my Shangri-La.However, it is still somewhat different from my design at the time, no wonder I didn't recognize it for a while.

Immediately led the two of them in.

At the door were two young students with smiles all over their faces. They welcomed us in enthusiastically. Before I could speak, I asked to see the boss.He didn't say anything, just nodded and asked us to wait, and went to find it.We visited on our own.

The first floor is an antique restaurant, already full of people, there are many elegant seats around, the decoration is extremely elegant, each has a name on it, we read it all the way, and couldn't help but read it softly. "Partridge Sky, Recalling Jiangnan, Yijianmei, Drunken Flower Yin, Nian Nujiao, Rumengling..."

Isn't it the name I drew on the drawing at the time!The big pervert had already seen it, so it was nothing unusual, but the little villain thought it was quite interesting, and pulled me to look around.Just about to go up to the second floor, a gentle voice said from behind: "Excuse me, who was looking for just now?"

I turned around and saw that it was Nangong Xinran who I hadn't seen for a long time. I was very happy, smiling brightly at him with bright eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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