Chapter 214
Chapter 120 Three Thrilling Things About Leaving the Palace


"Miss..." Nangong Xinran looked at me in disbelief. I was overjoyed and jumped over to give him a shudder, "Why do you call me Miss? Didn't you call me Feifei before? Are you not bad?" , the business is very impressive, and it seems that the business is booming! Where is Qing He?"

Nangong Xinran felt very embarrassed, probably a little embarrassed by my intimate behavior with him, her face flushed slightly. "Oh, Qinghe talks about Miss in front of me every day, and I'm used to calling her. She's gone out and will be back in a while. Who are these two?"

I groaned, and then I woke up and focused on talking to him, forgetting about the big satyr and the little villain.Immediately, a buddy was called to take over the mountain of things from the big pervert's arms, Nangong Xinran saw that it was actually King Yun, and couldn't help being polite again.

"Okay, don't be polite, you two, I want to take a good look at my Shangri-La!" Nangong Xinran led the way and introduced us all the way.I told him that the little bad boy next to him is the princess, Nangong Xinran smiled slightly, and greeted the bad boy.

I couldn't wait to go up to the second floor. As soon as I went up, there was a crescent-shaped bar, but it was made of mahogany, and the back was also made of mahogany wine racks.The third floor is Fengya Pavilion, which is quite luxuriously decorated, with chess facilities, piano platform, painting hall, and Ci workshop, all of which are impressive.The fourth floor is the hotel. My original idea was to decorate it according to the style of various countries. Unfortunately, there are not enough materials here, but it is quite different from the old inn here.The fifth floor is the VIP room and viewing platform.

I found a seat on the fifth floor and sat down. Everyone had a lot to say, but they were all stuck in their throats, and they didn't know what to say.

Thinking that I have to go back to the palace at night, there is not much time, so I pulled Nangong Xinran and told him immediately what needs to be improved.For example, four beauties are required at the door, put on beautiful clothes, and make a brocade belt, embroidered with the four characters of welcome.Come and see off, warm and kind.As for the bar counter on the second floor, the back of the wine rack should be painted white, so that the wine will stand out, otherwise it will be red, which is not eye-catching enough.There is also a small room on the upper floor, the atmosphere is not enough, I told him to use rattan to make hanging chairs, and the seats are separated by screens, and then put a candlestick on each seat, which is warm and romantic.The third floor is nothing, it's completely to my liking.Due to the limited materials on the fourth floor, there is nothing to modify for the time being.

Nangong Xinran was listening, showing surprise from time to time.I know he must be surprised, but I don't have time to explain.Before he knew it, it was already dark, and Qing He hadn't come back yet, so he had to miss the opportunity to meet.But there is still a chance in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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