Chapter 215
Chapter 120 Three Thrilling Things About Leaving the Palace


Saying goodbye to Nangong Xinran, I feel a little sad.I don't know why, but I feel so homesick all of a sudden!Shangri-La was designed by me. Although I didn't see it completed with my own eyes, it seems that my painstaking efforts have been put into it. When I saw it today, I felt like home.Fortunately, with the help of the pervert, my Shangri-La was able to exist so brilliantly.

But the more this happened, the more reluctant to leave, but there was no other way but to leave.The lights on the street have been turned on, and the capital is full of excitement.However, I no longer had the enthusiasm I had when I first arrived, and instead felt lonely and lonely.Fortunately, there is a big satyr by my side, which makes me a lot warmer.

"Big pervert, I really want to go back to the Chancellor's Mansion to have a look." I held his arm, with a hint of begging.Both Ziyu and Chu Xuan helped me to find out the identity of the mysterious woman, but there was still no result. Since I came out of the palace, I have to go there myself.It's just that if it's too late to return to the palace, it's really hard to explain to the King of Farts. If you don't come out of the palace because of this, is it a gain or a loss?

But I really want to go!My mother is my only relative in this world. Since my mother may not be dead, that mysterious woman is the only hope.I can't let it go!Otherwise I won't be able to sleep!
The big pervert hesitated again and again, and the little villain patted his chest to promise that if there was a problem with the Fart King, she would take care of it.The pervert sighed, "Okay! I'll take care of anything, but you have to be obedient and don't act recklessly!"

I nodded like a pounding onion.

Let the little villain wait in the carriage, and the big satyr took me to the minister's mansion with lightness kung fu.I don't know if it's because of my nervousness, or my subconscious hatred for Ye Chenxiang, the closer I got to the minister's mansion, the more flustered I became, and I kept holding on to the pervert.

The big satyr sensed my fear and hugged me tighter.I still remember the back door that Murong Xuanze took me through last time, and Yila the pervert turned in from there.The minister's mansion is very large, but there are not many lights, especially at the back door now, it is even more silent.We stepped lightly in the hazy moonlight, surrounded by a faint sweet fragrance of flowers, but it seemed a little weird because of the silence.

I estimated the direction in my mind, but the big satyr suddenly hugged me and slid towards the side of the bush.

(End of this chapter)

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