Chapter 216
Chapter 120 Three Thrilling Things About Leaving the Palace


The big satyr led me lightly to the outside of a courtyard, I stared at it, it was not the kind of courtyard full of begonias!Just as I was thinking, the big pervert had already pulled me up and quietly hid me.Across the atrium, there was a faint light in a room, we hid quietly under the window, I pressed my ears against the wall, and heard the sounds inside.

"I'll give you one last chance. Where are you hiding Nalan Baizhentu?" The voice was greedy and irritable, and belonged to Ye Chenxiang.

"Hmph!" I was startled, it was that mysterious woman.

"Aren't you really worried about Feifei's safety? Now only we can rescue him from the flames. If you tell me, I can reunite your mother and daughter." What did Xiang Ye mean?Let us reunite mother and daughter?Could it be...

"Do you think I will still believe your words? You let Mei Niang be her mother for 16 years, even if Feifei stands in front of me now, she will not know me, she will only call Mei Niang as mother... "Oh my God!I really heard a big secret!

"Don't worry about this, I can make Mei Niang exist, or I can make her disappear. Anyway, she is imitating you, and the two of you have exactly the same face, so you don't have to worry about Feifei not recognizing you!" So, the mother I saw" Mei Niang", is it the same as this mysterious woman who may be my real mother?

"Heh..." The mysterious woman sneered, as if she was talking about the minister's random killing of innocents, "Poor Mei Niang has been with me for so many years. At the beginning, she thought that she would be happy if she betrayed me, but now you say such words, I am so sorry." I'm so sorry for her!"

"Stop talking nonsense, do you agree or not?" Ye Chenxiang obviously lost his patience, and his tone became irritable.

"Aren't you giving up? I have been imprisoned for so many years. If I wanted to tell you, I would have said it long ago. Why wait until now? Feifei can live up to now, she has her own ability. What you said just now, tell me instead, you don't know what to do. I can't control her anymore! Hehe, I knew, my daughter, how can you control me so much? She doesn't know that her life experience is better, so she can live easily. Why should I involve her? You killed me!"

Mother... I was so moved when I heard it, I really wish I could rush in and rescue her right away!

(End of this chapter)

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