Chapter 222 Heartbroken, what a shame! 2
Chapter 120 Five Heartbroken, How Embarrassing!

I was stunned!

It turned out that he never thought of killing the pervert from the very beginning, but deliberately created that kind of desperate aura, making the pervert think that he would attack rashly so he could attack with all his strength. As a result, he withdrew his palm temporarily, but the pervert didn't know it, so he ended up like this Seriously injured!
I stretched out my sleeve and wiped the blood on his lips carefully, and said with great concern, "Then there is no need to hurt yourself so badly? What should we do now? If you are injured like this, then...will you still die?" ?”

He spoiled with a smile, "Don't worry! I won't die! You don't need to worry about me, let me lie here, and someone will come to find me. Instead, you should hurry up, otherwise it will be difficult to leave again! King Yun, please Take good care of her and don't let her go back to the Minister's Mansion, that would be a disaster or a blessing..."

"Don't worry, I will love her more than you!"

I was shocked, it was the first time that the pervert said that he loved me frankly, and he still said that he loved me in front of others!For a moment I didn't know whether to change my joy or cry, this Murong Xuanze has already made me sad to death, although he likes the former Feifei, but he really loves me as a counterfeit!

The big satyr is a prince, but he can say such words from his mouth, I really feel "shocked"!

When Murong Xuanze heard what the pervert said, he was not angry at all, but smiled reassuringly. "Let's go, they are coming, if you don't go, I won't be able to protect you..."

The pervert put him flat on the ground as promised, pulled me up and was about to leave when Murong Xuanze suddenly said: "It's late...they're already here, you guys quickly hide on the side of the hillside, I'll lure them away..."

As he said that, he forced himself to stand up and staggered towards the way he came.Da Selang pulled me and quickly hid towards the hillside. Fortunately, there was a forest that was not too dense, but it was not a problem to be invisible.

I couldn't see Murong Xuanze anymore, I only heard a sound of "pushing", as if it was the sound of a person falling, I made a conditioned reflex, and I was about to run over to check, but the big satyr grabbed my arm and covered it mouthed.

"Here..." A voice came from the hillside, "Ah, it really is the young master!"

A lot of footsteps covered me, but my heart suddenly shook. Is the young master they called a little angel?

(End of this chapter)

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