Chapter 223 Heartbroken, what a shame! 3
Chapter 120 Five Heartbroken, How Embarrassing!

"Young master, how are you?" A slightly cold voice shouted, "Look around, young master's injury is new, the thief must have not gone far, see if there are any clues to look for."


There were answers from all around, but the little angel struggled and said, "They...they had someone to respond, after they injured me, they walked over there..."

I didn't know what direction he was pointing at, but I could hear the footsteps gradually receding away. I was moved in my heart, little angel, so you really are the young master in black!It turns out that you have been protecting me all along, from the brothel to the palace, you are protecting me!
The eye sockets became hot, and two lines of tears flowed down again.The big pervert's hand covering my mouth trembled slightly, sighed, and gently wiped away my tears.I was about to get up, but the pervert grabbed me and shook his head slightly.

As a result, someone on the hillside said in a deep voice: "Young master, you are seriously injured, and the zhenqi injected by this subordinate can only protect your heart. This subordinate will send you back to the palace now, and call the elders to heal your injuries."

But I heard the little angel say faintly: "I'm fine! Let's go... let's go... It's best never to come back..."

The feeling in my heart is indescribable, he told me!It turned out that his injuries were so serious, and he had to go back to the palace immediately to rely on the elders to heal his injuries. Could it be that he really couldn't die?
I threw myself into the arms of the big pervert, crying silently!

Little angel, how embarrassing it is for you to treat me like this!

I don't know how long it took, when the big satyr and I returned to the hillside again, there was no sign of anyone left, only the dark pool of blood under the shallow moon!
We were all a little heavy-hearted, and when we got back to the carriage, Badass had already fallen asleep, and we probably forgot the time when we waited.I sit next to her and tilt her into my arms, we keep each other warm...

Because of me, I urgently need warmth!
The gate of the palace has been closed, we can't go back to the palace, we can only go to the king's mansion of the pervert for a night.

The carriage had just stopped at Prince Yun's Mansion, and a man who looked like a butler rushed over to greet him, with a serious expression on his face, seeing the pervert invited An, he said: "My lord, the king is here, and I have been waiting since Youshi until now."

What?The three of us were startled at the same time, the king of farts... he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, has been waiting since Youshi to now?Oh my god, at least it's almost Haishi now, so didn't he wait for nearly 4 hours?
Hearing the bad news, I even woke up from dozing off, the pervert and I looked at each other, this time it looks very bad!
PS: Every time Feifei asks friends to guess the next one, she can guess accurately, Feifei admires it!
This time, please guess again, what will happen to the Fart King?

(End of this chapter)

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