The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 236 The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei 1

Chapter 236 The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei 1
Chapter 120 IX The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei

"Well, I believe it's fun too. But, how did you think of it? It seems that Ye Chenxiang doesn't understand these things!"

My cold sweat came out again!He called "Zhen" all of a sudden, which showed that the situation was not good. If I didn't answer a sentence correctly, maybe I would cause trouble.Since he asked this question, he obviously checked the details of "Ye Feifei", even Prime Minister Ye Chen.

How should I answer this?
"Back to the king, my servants often lost their way when they were young, and then they got lost and met an old man with a white beard. He taught me these things." Fortunately, when the little angel Murong Xuanze confessed that time, he said something about "Ye Feifei" when he was a child , I know that she likes to get lost, and I don't know if it will work if I use it to block it at this time!

"Oh? The old man with the white beard?" He chuckled, which was actually more like a mockery. "Then why did he just teach you this?"

After all, he looked into my eyes for a moment.I took a small step back, pretending to remember the past very vaguely, "Well... this servant doesn't know, he just said to write it down, maybe it will be useful in the future."

He gave me a deep look and stopped talking.I was apprehensive, but I didn't dare to look him in the eyes anymore, I lowered my head slightly, as if waiting for his other wishes.

"It's okay, go back and rest. This medicine will be rubbed again later."

"Oh, thank you, Your Majesty!" He secretly let out a sigh and passed the test temporarily.After taking the medicine, I wanted to run back like flying, but I knew that it would be too obvious, so I had to endure it, deliberately walking as usual, neither fast nor slow.But I felt that my back was scorching hot, I believe his eyes never left my back!
Huh, finally back to my own room!God, it's so hard!That stinky fart king is too powerful, he takes me seriously, he has to pay attention to what he says, if he shows any flaws, he will die!

When I fell asleep in the middle of the night, I didn't know what time it was, but Ziyu suddenly woke me up.Good guy, I was about to settle accounts with him, I stood on the bed in my pajamas, put my hand on my waist and pointed at him, pretending to shout: "You are so tall, you dare to come to see me! Humph! I was just looking for you Well, you sent it to your door yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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