The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 237 The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei 2

Chapter 237 The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei 2
Chapter 120 IX The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei

His eagle-eyed sharp pupils flickered continuously, making me feel a little unconfident.She pulled her thin lips lightly, and said coolly, "Talk to me after you get dressed, it's about your mother's news, it's up to you whether you want to hear it or not." After saying that, she turned around and left.

My mother?
I quickly put on my outer shirt. In fact, the pajamas were tightly wrapped around me. How could I look a little careless?I thought the ancients were really pedantic, but it was about my mother's news, I didn't have time to talk to him, and even Yueyue'er's safflower powder matter was forgotten.

"I've done it, tell me, what's wrong with my mother?"

Then he turned around, sat down on the chair next to him, glanced at me, and said with deep concern: "We found that woman, and she was locked in the minister's side study. But the guards there are very strict, and they are hidden in the dark. Look at the clothes, it should be someone from the Night Palace."

"Night Palace? Then Xiaotian... Uh, is their young master there?"

Ziyu's eyes flashed, and I knew he must have heard what I said.But he didn't continue to ask, but continued: "Young Master of the Night Palace should not be here. Our people fought against them once tonight, but there is no way to rush in to save them. After all, the Night Palace is well-deserved."

As expected, the little angel is not there, so he should be sent back to the palace to heal his wounds... "Ziyu, what exactly does the night palace do?"

He had a serious expression, his eyes were deep. "The Night Palace is a legend in the Jianghu. I didn't really believe it, but after seeing him in Xiuyaxuan (brothel) and seeing his attire, I really believed it!"

He paused, and then said: "Night Palace is a killer organization, but we still don't know who it is under the orders of. Because those who know are dead people." Uh... I shuddered when I heard that.How could such a pure and kind person as little angel be the killer leader? ? ?
"They have always only acted at night, so they are called the Night Palace. When they act, they wear black clothes and black curtained bamboo hats. People with different levels are tested one by one, and finally they can become a member of their organization. If there are 100 people who sign up at the same time, it should be very good if 10 people can enter."

"Huh? So strict?"

(End of this chapter)

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