The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 238 The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei 3

Chapter 238 The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei 3
Chapter 120 IX The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei

"Yes! Many people are often killed during the test, so those who can pass must have extraordinary martial arts. That's why the organization of the Night Palace can be so strict and efficient. But the people who have entered the Night Palace , you can’t leave the Night Palace for the rest of your life, and you can’t start a family, because the people in the Night Palace are very cold-blooded, if you have a family, you will be fettered by feelings, how can a person with feelings become an excellent killer?”

"What? Can't get married?" I was shocked, thinking of the little angel, didn't he have feelings for "Ye Feifei"?
"Yes, you can't start a family! If the people in the Night Palace find out that someone in the palace has married privately or has feelings for a woman, they will kill that woman at all costs to cut off his emotional line."

"It's so ruthless! What about the people in the night palace? Are they so cold-blooded and ruthless?" I sneered, it was terrible!No wonder the little angel has always maintained a cousin relationship with Ye Feifei even though she has fallen in love with Ye Feifei.Even knowing that I like big perverts, I give up my life and don't compete with big perverts.

Because he knows very well that if his love affair is discovered by other people in the Night Palace, I, this fake Ye Feifei, will undoubtedly die!
"Ah!" I exclaimed, and suddenly thought of a question, the reason why Ye Feifei jumped into the river and died, could it be that the people from the Night Palace discovered it earlier and pushed her into the river?Didn't the little angel say that although Ye Feifei in his eyes was weak, but deep down he was strong, why couldn't he think about committing suicide by jumping into the river?And when he saw Ye Feifei's "corpse", his heart was cold, and he couldn't think of anything...

He must have guessed how Ye Feifei died, and this revenge is absolutely impossible. He hates himself for killing his beloved, so his heart is cold and he can't think about anything... The person killed by Ye Gong What can I think?
He didn't think it was God who made me reborn until my soul possessed me later!So in the end, he only protected me secretly, but he couldn't express a little love to me in the open, otherwise it would only bring me death!
It is estimated that the people in the Night Palace thought Ye Feifei was dead, so they didn't pay attention again.Who knew that God would arrange a soul travel and possession?
(End of this chapter)

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