The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 239 The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei 4

Chapter 239 The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei 4
Chapter 120 IX The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei

These thoughts flashed through my mind, Ziyu heard me exclaimed, and saw that my expression was different, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Did you think of something?"

I shook my head confusedly, "It's too messy, I can't figure it out, I don't know, I just guessed randomly, alas..."

"Yeah!" Ziyu nodded and continued to answer the question I just asked without going into details. "The discipline and hierarchy in the Night Palace are very strict. Killers are not allowed to interfere with each other's private affairs, but if they see their companions in trouble, they must fight to the death to save them. Otherwise, once they are found out, it is almost only him who will be killed and enter the palace. His former relatives and family, etc., will all go to the underworld with him. Therefore, the Night Palace Killer will look like a family, and no one dares to leave anyone alone!"

I nodded, no wonder the little angel would rather suffer such a serious injury than to let us go, it is impossible not to get hurt.And as the young master of the Night Palace, his kung fu is so superb that a slight injury will definitely be unstoppable, and he will be guessed by other people in the Night Palace.No matter who it is, he must still be able to track the enemy with a slight injury. Only if he is so heavy that he will lose his life can he hide it from everyone!
After he was injured, the other companions took care of him with respect and concern, so that's how it is!
I suddenly thought of the little angel's difficulties. After saving me in Xiuyaxuan (brothel) that night, why did she want me to stay there instead of taking me away.It is precisely because the people in the Night Palace already thought that Ye Feifei was dead, but they saw me standing there alive (although injured) with their own eyes that day, so they naturally became suspicious.If the little angel takes me away in public, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to my brothers.

Or maybe he was ordered by someone to imprison me there.Who could that be?Ye Chenxiang?But my intuition is not that Ye Chenxiang at most paid for the people in the Night Palace to take care of him.

Sigh, it's really complicated, the more I rationalize, the more confused I become. The stinky bats who heard that Xiangyuan was going to kill me were dressed the same as the people in the Night Palace. Don't they only appear at night?Why did you come out during the day again?Isn't it from the Night Palace?oh my god the headache...

I looked at Ziyu, hesitated to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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