The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 240 The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei 5

Chapter 240 The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei 5
Chapter 120 IX The Death of Night Palace and Ye Feifei

He seemed to have understood what I meant, and his sharp eyes flashed, "Don't worry! No matter how difficult it is, I will try my best to help you! Let's go tonight just to investigate. If it is really someone from the Night Palace, we will find a way deal with."

I was very moved, and said with tears in my eyes, "Ziyu, do you still want to help me with such a dangerous matter? Why don't you go, if you get hurt, I really don't know what to do. Moreover, I am alone and have nothing, what should I give you in return! Alas..."

He said displeasedly: "If you ask me to help you, you trust me. Naturally, I can do what I can. What do you mean now? Can't you trust me?"

I hurriedly shook my head and waved my hands, "No, no! You are worried that you are in danger! The people in the Night Palace are so powerful, alas... I am afraid that you will get hurt!" If the big pervert and I hadn't The little angel sacrificed his life to save her, but it was miserable...

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

I suddenly thought of that picture, and seeing that Ziyu was about to leave, I quickly grabbed him, "Do you know what is the picture of Nalan Baizhen?"

His pupils widened suddenly, then narrowed down again, I knew he must know it again.Sure enough, he said, "Do you still remember the Yelan Kingdom? That picture is the treasure map of the treasures looted by the founding emperor of Yelan. Legend has it that there are all kinds of weapons and treasures, which can equip nearly 5 cavalry. The treasure will cover the treasury for 10 years."

"Oh my God!" I couldn't help being in an uproar, with such a large amount of wealth, no wonder they tortured my mother for 16 years and refused to kill her!But what are you doing with my mother?Isn't that woman my mother?Or, she is indeed my mother, but another big shot?

I think of the missing queen of Yelan Kingdom...

I dare not think about it!Panting and exhaling, "Ziyu, how do you know so much?" In fact, I was looking for something to say, hoping to divert my thoughts, otherwise I would think more and more deeply, and sink deeper and deeper...

"Because of Yueyue'er, I often walk around the rivers and lakes. Besides, my father told me a lot about Yelan, so I naturally know it. In fact, the former emperors of several countries should know it, but Donglin (Stinky Fart King) The former king of the dynasty) died early, and I don’t know if he told Brother Yunmo..."


I was a little distracted, and I didn't even know when Ziyu left.
Next episode preview:

Chapter 130 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King
(End of this chapter)

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