The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 241 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King 1

Chapter 241 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King 1
Chapter 130 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King

"Because of Yueyue'er, I often walk around the rivers and lakes. Besides, my father told me a lot about Yelan, so I naturally know it. In fact, the former emperors of several countries should know it, but Donglin (Stinky Fart King) The former king of the dynasty) died early, and I don’t know if he told Brother Yunmo..."


I was a little distracted, and I didn't even know when Ziyu left.

Early the next morning, Xiao Wuzi came to me and said that Xiaobaibai had something urgent to do with me.I was overjoyed, knowing that my four major inventions must be ready.Putting aside the troubles in my heart, I went with Xiao Wuzi.

As soon as he entered, he saw the big satyr, the little villain and Princess Yueyue together, holding the jade mahjong over and over again.

I was in a pretty good mood at first, but it was a pity that seeing Yueyue'er and the big satyr together was not happy, so I groaned in my heart, but on the surface I pretended nothing had happened.

"Feifei, you are here. Come and have a look..." The little villain caught sight of me, but the big pervert was dragged by Yueyueer and kept asking questions, hum, Xiao Mian, grab a man from me?It seems that I didn't teach you well last time, just wait this time!
My belly was dark, but my face was full of joy. I ran over a few steps and saw the table full of jade mahjong, shining brightly, and my eyes immediately became ¥ shapes!Damn, how much will it cost if you sell it?

I took one and weighed it, it feels good, just right.There are seven tubes engraved on the front, in bright colors, and my Q-version cartoon on the back, with a cute little tiger painted on it.

Yueyue'er couldn't put it down, and was very interested in it, she kept asking the big pervert this and that, but the big pervert had no way to refuse, knowing that I was coming, but couldn't talk to me, with a half bitter smile on her face.

In the end, the pervert was so entangled that he had no choice but to patiently explain to her how to play mahjong.I taught them both yesterday, but the pervert remembered it very clearly.

I had an idea, "How about the four of us play mahjong? Those who lose will be punished!"

Xiaobaibai didn't like that Yueyue'er either, he knew what I wanted to do when he saw my expression, so he booed immediately.That Yueyue'er looked arrogant, her pair of breasts were almost touching the big satyr's arm, she said contemptuously: "She is a slave, why should she play games on an equal footing with us?"

(End of this chapter)

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