The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 247 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King 7

Chapter 247 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King 7
Chapter 130 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King

I took back the rice paper and circled the table, thinking hard, "I am... I am... what am I?" I tilted my head and looked at the sky, but secretly glanced at Yueyue'er. Seeing her complacent and affectionate look, and seeing me wanting to come out several times, she asked nervously, "Quick guess, guess what is it?"

I suddenly slapped my thigh and shouted: "Ah, I guessed it!"

Everyone was taken aback by me, even the Fart King turned his head to look at me, and asked casually, "Guess what?" But his eyes were sharp and his face was unpredictable, making it difficult to see whether he liked or disliked.

I suddenly realized: "This word is the 'Zhe' of 'Zhihu Zheye'. The correct sentence is 'I am Zhe'. Haha, I finally guessed it! I am Zhe, I am Zhe, I am Zhe..."

I cheered obsessively, the big pervert spit out a mouthful of hot tea, the little villain held his stomach and laughed silently, the eyes of the king of stinky farts flashed, half a smile, Yue Yueer laughed out loud , "What 'I am a person', clearly 'I am a pig'. Ouch, I laughed so hard..."

I suddenly raised my voice and laughed "haha..ha..ha", louder than theirs. They heard something strange and stopped to look at me.The Fart King glanced at me, and there was a hint of admiration and warning in his eyes.The big pervert knows me best, he knew that I had a plan, but the little villain and Yue Yue'er looked at me inexplicably.

I stopped my strange smile, changed into a giggly smile and said: "Unexpectedly, the princess would admit that she is a pig, but this pig looks much more beautiful and cute than ordinary pigs. It really is a golden pig with jade leaves. It eats differently and looks like a pig." It's even more different!"

Yueyue'er froze, and suddenly understood, her face turned pale in an instant, and she stared at me fiercely, as if she was going to eat me.The little villain leaned forward and backward with laughter again, the big pervert shook his head and chuckled, looking extremely doting.Yueyue'er's face turned half red and half white, the stern light flashed from her eyes, revealing an expression of grievance and mobai.

The Fart King coughed lightly, and smoothed things over: "Okay, today's game is over, let's go back and rest. The princess doesn't care, it's just a game."
There will be another update in a while, please wait a moment~~~
(End of this chapter)

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