The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 248 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King 8

Chapter 248 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King 8
Chapter 130 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King

I ran up to the Smelly Fart King, and said cautiously with a smile: "Your Majesty, I don't know if this is considered a pass or not?"

His eyes turned cold, and he looked at me coldly.I know that this is a critical moment, and I must not back down, so I pretended to be nervous and said: "Your Majesty, you promise everything, don't go back on your word!"

He squinted his eyes, and said with a pun: "Huh! You pass the test. The thief girl wants to play with fire, be careful of self-immolation."

After saying that, he walked away.I suppressed the uneasiness caused by his words in my heart, and cheered: "Yeah... that's great, great, I won!" Everyone looked at me inexplicably, and I ran to Yueyue'er with a smile on my face. In front of him, he sincerely said: "Congratulations princess, congratulations princess!"

Yueyue'er didn't know what I meant, she thought I was talking ironically and mocking her as a pig, so she turned her face and snorted heavily, and left angrily.

The big satyr and the little villain got curious, so I had to explain to them the bet I made with the Fart King.I made an agreement with him last time, as long as I can fool him once, even if I win, he must accept Yue Yue'er as his concubine.

Just now I lied to him that he couldn't read, but the result obviously showed that I was teasing him, otherwise Yueyue'er wouldn't suffer.Although the Fart King was angry, he had to admit it.Alas... that's great, two things are solved in one fell swoop, and Da Selang and I are half free people!

After hearing this, Xiaobaibai said happily: "Feifei is really amazing! No one has ever dared to plot against Brother Wang! Now the second brother doesn't have to worry about being entangled by Princess Yueyue. Since Brother Wang has agreed, he will definitely do it! You two The opportunity is great, congratulations to the second brother!"

The big satyr was full of worry, "Oh... I don't think things are so simple! Although Brother Wang admits that you won, but you have committed the crime of deceiving the emperor after all. What Brother Wang said before leaving, 'playing with fire and self-immolation' is a warning to you! And Yueyue'er, I think she already hates you, fortunately it's just a misunderstanding, I will try my best to explain to her. The important thing now is that the queen mother has not let go, so bad you have to help the second brother. "

Xiaobaiba patted his chest and said, "Don't worry! I like Feifei too. I'm even happier when she is my sister-in-law. I wouldn't be happy if someone else does it!"

When I was told by the pervert, I also felt that the situation was a bit severe.He sighed and said: "Oh... the future is bleak, the ups and downs are unknown! After working so hard to regain a little advantage, the result is still so bleak! No more, big pervert, I don't want to marry you, you are not a perfect person, why am I working so hard? !"
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Chapter 130 Sing the Double Reed Again
(End of this chapter)

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