Chapter 250
Chapter 130 Sing the Double Reed Again

I pour!I am defeated by her!

Half angry and half angry, he said: "Please, we are fleeing, what are you doing with you, a princess with golden branches and jade leaves? You are not a tourist, maybe you will find a paradise and disappear without a trace." No trace, don't make trouble!"

Xiao Huai Huai refused, "I don't care about the ranks, I must be brought with me anyway, this palace is so boring, I have to go out for a long time!"

I was about to give a long speech to persuade Xiao Huaiba, when suddenly Xiao Wuzi rushed over, "I will report to King Yun, Princess Yueyue sent someone to report that she is waiting for you at Tianshou Terrace, please be sure to go."

"Princess Yueyue? What is she looking for me for?"

The big pervert asked knowingly, and I rolled his eyes at him, "Cut! I didn't expect that you are a pervert with good luck, and that rotten peach blossom can't be chased away! Hmph! I'll go with you and see what she can do!"

The big satyr was worried that he would cause me dissatisfaction if he went to see him alone like that. Hearing that I volunteered to go with him, my brows relaxed a lot, but I still didn't forget to teach: "When you meet her later, don't force yourself, she has Kung fu, special status, I'm afraid you will suffer in the future. I will find a chance to settle the misunderstanding, and the matter of our elopement will wait until the mother's birthday! I have to make a good plan and wait for my news!"

I was startled, and stared at him with wide eyes, "You don't really want to elope with me, do you?"

The big satyr was obviously very angry, his brows were high, and his mouth was pursed on purpose, but unfortunately his eyes were full of smiles, which gave away his disguise. "You girl, it's rare that I take you in with good intentions, feed you and let you beat and scold you for free, you actually doubt my intentions, how sad!"

After all, he looked like he was suffering.

I laughed "haha", poked his hard chest with my finger, and gave him a very charming sideways glance, "Come on, don't be so good in front of me! But the way you pout is really funny, So cute!"

The big satyr surrendered, looking as if he had been defeated by me, bent slightly, and approached me with a playful smile, asking for instructions: "Please tell me, my princess, what should I do when I see Yueyue'er? Please give instructions!"

I raised my eyebrows playfully, "You're smart, you'll be fine with me after a while, just cooperate with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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