Chapter 251
Chapter 130 Sing the Double Reed Again

Damn, you're playing tricks on me!
The big satyr was a little embarrassed, glanced at me, saw that I was smiling as before, coughed lightly, and said softly to Yueyueer: "Princess Yue is right, this king always treats Princess Yue as a younger sister, and I have a relationship with Ziyu. Brothers are like brothers, so naturally I treat her as the eldest brother of Princess Yue. If there is any offense, Princess Yue should not be offended."

Although the pervert's tone is gentle, his words are neither humble nor overbearing, I like it.

At the moment, she smiled and said: "Princess Yue is really happy. She has a good brother all of a sudden, so many people are hurt!" She didn't expect Yue Yue'er to be ungrateful, she turned her face faster than a book, and scolded with a twist of her pretty face: "Bold! The princess is talking to the prince, how can you, a servant, interrupt, seeing this princess and not saluting, are you thinking about committing a crime?"

I wasn't angry either, and my face was still smiling like a flower, "Princess Yue calm down, I just need to salute you."

As soon as I moved my body, the big pervert grabbed me, with a displeased face, "Feifei is the queen-to-be concubine of this king, and I will only pass the door after the queen mother's birthday next month. In the palace, Feifei doesn't even need the king's help." Kneeling people."

The pervert naturally knows about my knee-free gold medal.

Yueyue'er's face was half white and half red, and she was about to vent her anger, but I smiled and said, "Your Majesty is sympathetic to your servants, that's why you don't let them kneel down. Princess Yue is so beautiful, and she will become the king's noble concubine in the future, so your servants must be good." kowtow to the princess."

Yueyue'er got a chance to speak, and said in surprise: "What are you talking about? What is the king's noble concubine?"

The pervert is full of talent for acting, "Don't Princess Yue know? The king already intends to marry the princess as his concubine, and she will be my king's wife in the future. No matter how I get it, I have to maintain etiquette!"

These words are very tactful, showing that the pervert's change is all ordered by the Fart King.No matter how daring Yueyue'er was, she would not dare to confront the King of Stinky Farts to question her face to face.At most, I will file a complaint, but the King of Farts has admitted that he lost the bet to me, so he will naturally fulfill his promise to accept her as his concubine.

It is precisely because of this that we have set our sights on this point, so we did this double reed, in order to clear up the misunderstanding, so that Yue Yue'er will give up.
Oops, I just realized that the content of Section 3 was changed to Section 4 just now.

Now that the update has come, dear friends, watch it again~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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