Chapter 252
Chapter 130 Sing the Double Reed Again

As soon as the big satyr finished speaking, I interjected again: "Did Princess Yue forget that the king helped the princess win the maidservant? Well, in fact, the king has already hinted that he deliberately helped the princess win the maidservant!" Such a talent, and the princess is so beautiful, it is a match made in heaven! In the future, if you become the master of the harem, you will definitely be favored forever, and I don’t know how many people have died of envy!"

The big satyr smiled slightly, "The queen mother left the princess alone in the palace, don't the princess understand? Only the daughter-in-law of the royal family or the princess of the royal family is eligible to live in the palace. In fact, the queen mother has given a gift, It is implied that the princess will be the queen mother's daughter-in-law sooner or later, and she will be assigned to the king. The princess is in it, so she doesn't feel the jacket."

I pretended to be surprised, "Ah, so that's the case! I thought that as long as she was a princess, she would live in the palace. It turned out that it had been arranged a long time ago. No wonder the king withdrew the title of Concubine Su. It turned out that there were other arrangements. !"

The big pervert smiled, "That's not true. It's just that the king is busy with government affairs, so I need the king to take the princess to familiarize myself with the environment in the palace first. If it's not the future empress, why do I need the king to go out!"

I nodded greatly, with envy on my face, "Ah! The princess is so happy, the king loves you so much, it turns out that the arrangements have been made so early, and it is really well-intentioned! In fact, the king has already hinted in front of the servant, so the servant congratulated you earlier. For the princess, it seems that this happy event is not far away! Heh, this servant congratulates the princess again!"

Yueyue'er was dizzy from the left and right sentences of the two of us. She pointed at us a little bit blankly, but couldn't make a sentence, ""

I walked up to the princess with small steps, helped her up, and said in a low voice: "Princess, there is no need to be shy. This servant can tell that the princess still likes the king. I think the king will never forget that kiss." , I have already put the princess in my heart!"

Yueyue'er finally came back to her senses, struggled a bit, pushed me away but didn't use force, her face recovered a bit, and she was slightly ashamed, "He is very good, but his temper is too weird. I talked to him that day. He doesn't care much about people, and he always likes to look at people coldly. I don't like it. Besides, there are so many women in the harem, so I don't want to marry him! My father and king have so many concubines, I can see clearly, all of them Intrigue, intrigue, I just didn't want to stay in the palace, so I went to the rivers and lakes to play, so I came back after learning kung fu!"
I posted the wrong chapter just now, it has been updated, and I added two more chapters by the way~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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