Chapter 253
Chapter 130 Sing the Double Reed Again

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, and I suddenly realized that this was the reason why she went to the rivers and lakes to mess around.But from her tone, she heard some clues, it must be that she doesn't like the smelly fart king, but because that guy's butt is too smelly, no one can bear it.

In an instant, I thought again, the King of Farts said that day that he didn't help Yueyue'er punish me by kneeling, it seems to be true.Presumably Yueyue'er sued the Fart King afterward, but nothing came of it. It just so happened that I sneaked out of the palace that night, and Yueyue'er made an excuse for it by mistake.

Well, it must be so.No wonder the Fart King laughed at me, saying that I was cheated by her!
I followed Yueyue'er's words and said: "Actually, the king is cold outside and hot inside, otherwise he wouldn't have knelt down all night and all morning for Princess Yue's sake! Also, he clearly helped the princess play mahjong and won the servant, So that the princess will come out to punish the servants. He is the king of a country, so he is very favored by the princess, even the former concubine Su was not so favored."

Alas, King of Farts, I have exhausted my lips and tongues for your affairs. When you marry her as your concubine, you must thank me very much!
But Yueyue'er glanced at the big pervert, lowered her head slightly, showing her little daughter's shyness, "I like a man like brother Yunyi, who is romantic, unrestrained, willing to play with me, and has a good temper. Even my elder brother said that he is many times better than the king!"

My face changed drastically, no way, I've already said this, why is she still staring at the pervert?
I looked back, and the big pervert was looking at me, I gave him a hard look, damn it, it's all because of your romantic debt!The big satyr obviously heard what he just said clearly. After receiving my message, he showed a wry smile, and then said seriously to Yue Yue'er: "Princess Yue, I have always regarded you as my younger sister. Besides, Feifei She is the king's quasi-wangfei, so why should Princess Yue leave the king?"

Yueyue'er seemed to have connected with something, and said firmly: "No, I will marry you! At worst, I agree with you to take her as a concubine!"

What Yueyueer said about her is Feifei me!I was so angry that I showed a smile on my face, and I looked at the pervert, and the pervert also said firmly: "This king once swore that he would only marry Feifei as his concubine in his life, and he would never be second-guessed!"

(End of this chapter)

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