Chapter 255
Chapter 130: Ziyu Visits, The Big Pervert Misses the Appointment

Even though I thought so, the restless heart was hard to calm down after all, instead it was raised in the throat, making people feel uneasy.

The door knocked softly, I jumped up in surprise, hid behind the curtain and looked, but it was Yan'er.She was holding a jade plate in her hand, with a slightly raised top and covered with a brocade handkerchief, she didn't know what it was.At this moment, he was walking in gently, put down his things, looked around, and walked in again.

I felt a little more at ease, and called out "Yan'er".She seemed to be taken aback by me, and she said timidly: "So the little master is back, just now the king sent his servants to find you.

"Why are you looking for me?" I thought he had already found me, but how I wish it was you who found me!
Seeing that my complexion was not good, Yan'er said cautiously: "Your Majesty said that the Queen Mother's birthday will be approaching soon, so I made some new clothes for my little master in the royal clothes room, and asked my slaves to come to you to try them on and see if they fit well. The servant did not find it, and the king just came back when he came back, so the servant should bring it directly to you."

"Really?" I was a little guilty and lost, and even more frightened and uneasy.It turned out that King Fart was so careful that he even asked someone to make new clothes for me. He was going to find me to try on the clothes, but he knew I was at Xiaobaiba, so he went there himself.Of course I wasn't there, but I let him pass by by coincidence, and he heard the words that I and the pervert were going to elope...

Regardless of whether he has heard it or not, seeing me make out with the big pervert like that, he must be sad in his heart!Or maybe he's completely disappointed in me... No wonder there is a little bit of injury in his eyes...

well!Looks like I really hurt him!

But don't be soft-hearted, he is the emperor, with so many women for him to choose from, he won't be lonely!I touched the ring on my neck, as if it still had the breath of a big satyr, I must go with the big satyr, I really don't like this palace!

Yan'er has already brought the clothes over and wants to wait for me to try to change, but I let her arrange me absent-mindedly, but my mind is thinking about running away at night.

"It's so beautiful and fits so well!"

Yan'er admired it sincerely, and I just came to my senses. Looking at the clothes on my body, it was a lake green [-]-fold mixed gauze skirt. The material was soft, and it hung down softly to my feet.On the top is the small embroidered lapel on the front, which looks delicate and cute.The color is fresh, just what I like.The hot summer is coming, and the lake green looks refreshing and pleasant. The skirt is soft and breathable, without sweating, and the size fits well. Too much is too big, and too little is too small.

(End of this chapter)

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