Chapter 256
Chapter 130: Ziyu Visits, The Big Pervert Misses the Appointment

Yan'er retreated, I stood at the window and sighed, I'm afraid the King of Farts is so kind, I've never done it before!Why is he so nice to me?Even if he is a pervert, he has never been so caring!
But but, I already liked the pervert first, and I won't like him anymore!He should understand my intentions very well, not to mention that I have already made an appointment with the pervert, and I am going to run away tonight, he... oh, forget it!It's not something I can solve!Just thinking about how many wives he has and not wanting me alone makes me feel better!
Thinking about it this way, I did feel a lot more relaxed. I looked around and my eyes fell on a pot of bonsai on the windowsill.

Huh?how so?I saw that the pot of bonsai, which was originally green and lush, is now wilting and gradually turning yellow. Could it be that it has been watered too much?But I told Yan'er that she would never water carelessly!What could be the reason?

Suddenly I was startled, my God!

I was shivering all over... I remembered, Ye Qianqian brought me soup twice, but I didn't drink it and poured it into this bonsai, could it be...?As soon as the body is cold, it is instantly hot!Ye Qianqian, your father made my mother so miserable. He imprisoned her for 16 years and almost killed me. Now you want to come and kill me too?

Well, well, very well!
The last time I took advantage of you, I thought that the king of farts would put you in the cold palace anyway, but it turned out to be nothing more than grounding. It seems that it is the relationship between Ye Chenxiang. He has intertwined relationships in the court. You, I have plenty of solutions!
I'm so mad, the most poisonous woman's heart actually wants to poison me to death!
I want to make your life worse than death, so I can relieve my hatred!You will repay my mother's hatred on your father's behalf!I gritted my teeth secretly, don't blame me for being cruel, she was the one who provoked me first, thinking of my mother, my heart aches!
After all, this body belongs to the real Ye Feifei. Although it is my soul, under certain factors, there is an inseparable connection in my bones.What's more, I sympathize with the weak the most, and hate the powerful forces the most. I took Ye Feifei's body, so naturally I want to avenge their mother and daughter!

Before I knew it, it was getting dark, it was already Xu time, and there was still one hour before Hai time, which was only 1 hours. I really wanted to close my eyes so that I would not have the energy to escape at night.

(End of this chapter)

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