Chapter 257
Chapter 130: Ziyu Visits, The Big Pervert Misses the Appointment

But suddenly, a person came in through the window, and I was already frightened, anyone who came would frighten me to death, and I was so frightened that I covered my mouth and gasped for breath with a pale face.

"What's wrong with you? Scared like this?"

I breathed heavily and panted, "It's okay, I'm scaring myself! It's a good thing you're here, so I don't have time to say goodbye to you! By the way, how are you? Any news?" I saw His face turned pale, he thought it was because he rushed to the palace, so he didn't ask.

He looked at me suspiciously, but suddenly noticed the clothes on my body, and pulled the edge of his mouth, and didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or cramp.I was not in the mood to joke with him, but suddenly I felt sad, just looked at him, not knowing what to say.

Ziyu withdrew his eyes from looking at me, and threw a bomb, "This is the Hanxiang yarn that our Xizi Kingdom paid tribute to. I didn't expect the king to give it to you first! It seems that he loves you more than the rumors say. !"

"Wh... what? You said this is the yarn material you paid for? Is it still fragrant?" I stared at him with rounded eyes in disbelief, raised my sleeves and smelled it. Sure enough, there was a faint scent of flowers, which seemed to be a lot of Chinese medicine. The fragrance of flowers is mixed. I was in a complicated mood just now, so I didn't pay attention for a while.

He nodded, "That's right, our Xizi Country is good at producing spices, and ordinary clothing materials cannot last long even if they are incensed. Only spices in our country have this superb technology. That's why it's called Hanxiang yarn!"

I swallowed my mouthful of foam, and said cautiously: "This scent won't attract bees, right? I don't want to be stung all over my head!"

He leaned over and knocked on me, "What kind of bee is stung all over your head? What's in your girl's head? It's full of weird thoughts. But it's no wonder the king is so attracted to you, you It is truly a masterpiece.”

There was a seductive gleam in his eyes, I was startled, rubbed my painful head and said bitterly: "Forget it! I don't want to attract anyone, there are bees everywhere, I'm already stung It's full of bags! It's still a masterpiece, I'd rather be a discarded product that no one cares about!"

They are all bees, but there are thousands of flowers in the world, why are they all staring at me?

(End of this chapter)

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