Chapter 260
Chapter 130: Ziyu Visits, The Big Pervert Misses the Appointment

There were thousands of small hammers beating in my heart, "Ziyu...I haven't even seen my mother for the last time...I'm in pain, Ziyu, my heart is in pain..." I couldn't breathe, I froze for a while He stretched his neck straight.

Ziyu was startled, her palm was pressed against my back, and she was bubbling with anger. It seemed that the little hammer on her chest had been taken away by one hand, and I cried out with a "wow".He helplessly pressed me against his chest again, and he blocked my cries a little, so as not to attract the attention of the guards watching outside.

After a while, I finally stopped my tears and looked at him with swollen eyes miserably, "Why did my mother say that my name is still Ye Feifei? I am obviously not Ye Chenxiang's child! Who is my mother? What imprisoned her? Why didn’t Mother mention revenge? Mother didn’t tell me about my background...Why? Ziyu, you definitely know, don’t try to lie to me!”

He looked at me deeply, and said with regret: "Yes, I know everything. In order to save your mother, I found out everything. But, I promised your mother that I will never tell you! This is her impending death. I really can't say my last wish before I die!"

"No, I don't care, you must say it! Why can't you say it, why...?"

Ziyu grabbed my madly beating hands and locked me in his arms. I raised my head, looked at him with tears in my eyes, and murmured "why" to myself.

"Listen to me! Your mother didn't tell you, it was for your own good. You are living a good life now, why bother to go into the bloody wind again! Think about what your mother said, live well for her !"

"No...I don't want it! I just want my mother, I only want my mother..."

I am truly alone now!After leaving the mother in the 21st century, the mother here is gone... I have really become a grass without a mother!don't... i want them...

He let me cry like crazy, and didn't try to persuade me anymore.He just patted me on the back with his hands, comforting me silently.

Enough crying, it's time for me to cheer up!Put away the veil my mother gave me, and I will bury all my sorrows and sorrows. One day, I will make that old traitor surnamed Ye pay the price he deserves!

And Ye Qianqian, your time of death has arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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