Chapter 261
Chapter 130: Ziyu Visits, The Big Pervert Misses the Appointment

Urging Ziyu to leave quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams.He babbled for a while, seeing that my expression was gradually returning to normal, and I left with worry.

I changed my clothes, folded them neatly, and put them on the bed.It's almost midnight, I have to go.I changed my mind, I can't leave the palace now, otherwise how can I take revenge!At least Ye Qianqian must be defeated before I can leave, otherwise once I leave the palace, it will be difficult to find opportunities in the future.

The pervert will forgive me!

I tidied up my appearance, not wanting to be worried by the pervert seeing my swollen eyes, so I put on some powder to cover up my blemishes.When he went out, he found that Yan'er was crooked on the ground, presumably the quilt was knocked down by Ziyu, dragged her back to the bed and put her away, and then went out to find the big pervert with peace of mind.

Because I made the plan and my heart was full of hatred, I didn't feel guilty at all.Maybe that's why, none of the guards who were guarding the surroundings came out to stop me.

The moonlight was very light, and it shone in the quiet palace, giving it a faintly quiet and eerie feeling.The summer wind is relatively cool at night, and it follows you softly, as if someone is following you. I wanted to look back several times, and I deliberately slowed down my pace and pricked up my ears to listen. It’s a pity After all, I only heard the wind sweeping by, and then the rustling of the surrounding trees...

On the way, I passed several palaces, all of which were lit with lanterns, which should belong to the concubines in the harem.I secretly thought that I don't know where Ye Qianqian's bedroom is, and next time I must take me to pay attention to it in person.

A little further ahead is the Longevity Garden of the Empress Dowager. We made an appointment to meet behind the rockery at the gate of the garden.At that moment, I touched it lightly, the surroundings were quiet, no one passed by, and it was almost midnight, who would come.

Behind the rockery is a well-swept rocky ground. I leaned against the rockery and slowly slid on the ground.

When a person is quiet, he will think wildly.I am right now, naturally thinking about my mother.I haven't met her once. Although the face of the fake one is exactly the same as my real mother's face, how can the fake one have a real kiss?

It's a pity that my mother's blessings are poor, and I finally rescued her, but I was trapped in the palace again, and I didn't even have a chance to meet her.Suddenly I thought of Murong Xuanze again, my lovely little angel, he is actually the boss of a killer group, although he is not the biggest boss, but he is also the second person.

Alas, people are animals that are good at camouflage!The little angel is usually so gentle and shy, but who knew that he was so arrogant when killing people! !
(End of this chapter)

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