The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 275 The queen mother was furious, Feifei was imprisoned 6

Chapter 275 The queen mother was furious, Feifei was imprisoned 6
Chapter 130 The Empress Dowager was furious, Feifei was imprisoned

The queen's elegant voice sounded again, neither fast nor slow, no matter what time it was, it seemed that she was extremely qualified.She only heard her Yingying say: "The concubine's father sometimes captures some prisoners because he has fought in the battlefield all year round. He will inevitably have to torture the other party's military secrets. But some prisoners are tenacious and cannot be persecuted by ordinary punishment. And my father knows a strange man , He has superb martial arts skills, and he has devoted himself to learning. He knows a strange method of forcing a confession with seven needles. As long as he uses this method, any person with a firm will will definitely confess. something happened."

"Oh? There is such a strange method? The Ai family also wants to see, the queen quickly recruits that person, how long will it take?"

"Go back to the Empress Dowager, that man is at Daddy's house. Daddy just came back to visit relatives these few days. The concubine can invite someone to bring him in tonight. The Empress Dowager is also tired, why don't you go back and rest, tomorrow..."

"No, come again tonight. The king didn't wake up a day ago, and Aijia's heart was still hanging in his mind. Although he had stopped all the officials outside the palace, it meant that he didn't need to go to court for a few days. But several generals and veterans of the former court Many memorials have been delivered, asking Aijia to give an explanation. Sigh... Aijia can't bluntly say that the king has not yet woken up after being assassinated, otherwise it will lead to chaos in the imperial court! Xueyan, you have to take care of Aijia! You are a country Afterwards, you must stand together with the Ai family..."

"Yes, don't worry, the Queen Mother, the concubine will definitely try her best to block the news, so as not to let the king's assassination be revealed..."

The voices of the two gradually drifted away until they could no longer be heard.No one cared about me, just tied to the pillar like that.

All of a sudden, the prison, which was still a mess just now, suddenly became silent, as if everyone had disappeared at once, leaving only me who didn't know whether I was dead or alive...

In the boundless darkness and the suffocation of the emptiness, there is only the sound of "tick-tick-tick", which is from my body. I don't know if it is water, or blood, or even a mixture of water and blood, which is bringing my breathless life , bit by bit, passing by...

The only thoughts left are flying around without a clue, thinking about the acquaintance with the pervert, the quarrel with the stinky fart king, the nonsense with Ziyu, the brother-sister relationship with Chu Xuan, the wrong love with the little angel...

Suddenly, I was left with only myself!
The pervert is gone, Chu Xuan is dead, Ziyu is being targeted by people from the Night Palace, the life and death of the Fart King is uncertain, and the little angel is still seriously injured... It seems to have something to do with me!Is it a disaster for a beauty?But, I have never persecuted them... I don't even have the slightest intention to harm them... Why, they all disappeared...

I really want to go home...

(End of this chapter)

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