The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 276 7 needles make acupoints, you know you are a future person 1

Chapter 276 Seven needles make acupoints, you know you are a future person 1
Chapter 130 Five needles make acupoints, you know you are a future man

The big satyr is gone, Chu Xuan is dead, Ziyu is being targeted by people from the Night Palace, the life and death of the Fart King is uncertain, and the little angel is still seriously injured... It seems that each of them is related to me!Am I a troublesome beauty?But, I have never persecuted them... I don't even have the slightest intention to harm them... Why, they all disappeared...

I really want to go home...

So comatose, as if in an empty world, without any sound, nowhere to focus...

With a "wow", it suddenly seemed to fall into ice water, and shivered involuntarily.A voice without any warmth sounded, "Queen Mother, she is still alive."

"Well, can she hold on?"

"After returning to the Queen Mother, the servant will be very careful. The seven-needle acupoints are just to seal her acupoints, and then control the direction of blood flow in the human body, so as to control her thoughts and let her be in a state of ecstasy, and she can't help but say everything The original of the matter. But it will not be fatal. Please rest assured, Queen Mother."

"Well, sir, let's start."


There were footsteps approaching me, and I knew he was coming to hurt me, but I was tied to a pillar and couldn't move at all, and I didn't even have the strength to open my eyes.

All of a sudden, the hairs all over my body stood up, and a sinister aura came towards me. Then my jaw was pinched, and a sharp thing was inserted into the top of my head. There was an indescribable pain. The pain drew me away, "Ah—" the pain made my whole body exhausted, my eyes widened and I stared fiercely forward, my limbs froze, as if I had been hacked alive, I raised my voice and screamed...

"Ah...", the Empress Dowager turned pale with shock from my sudden cry from hell, and the Empress quickly comforted me beside her.That concubine Yan was so frightened that she almost fainted.

My shouting continued, as if I was going to use up all my strength to stop!The neck was even more involuntarily raised backwards, but the mandible was pinched and he couldn't move.

Then the second stitch.. the third stitch... until the seventh stitch...

At the end of the shouting, my voice was gone, but I still maintained that stiff posture, with my eyes wide open, my cherry mouth wide open, my limbs stiffened, my hair standing on end, the skin all over my body was tense, and my face suddenly pale. There is no blood, and the fingers are spread out, which is no different from death.

(End of this chapter)

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