The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 278 The Fart King was furious and started killing 1

Chapter 278 The Fart King was furious and started killing 1
Chapter 130 Six, the Fart King was furious and started killing


"It's unbelievable!" The man gasped, and said, "Queen Mother, I can be sure that what she said is absolutely true! Because no one can lie under seven-needle acupuncture."

The queen mother cheered up and continued to ask: "Are you a person from 1000 years later? Then...then do you know about the future?"

"Yes, I don't know."

The queen mother was stunned, not understanding what "don't know" was.The person who performed the needle saw that something was wrong with me, and reminded: "Queen Mother, she is too weak, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on for a while..."

The queen mother understood what he meant, suppressed the shock and curiosity in her heart, and asked emphatically, "Then why did you come here? What do you want to do?"

"I don't know why I came here."

"Then... who was the man who assassinated the king? Do you know him?"

"No..." Before I finished speaking, my body began to tremble, and a faint liquid slowly overflowed from my mouth...

"Queen Mother, she can't take it any longer!" The person who gave the needle said hurriedly, then put his palm on my chest, and slowly lost his true energy to continue my life. "Queen Mother, don't ask any more questions, otherwise she will die immediately. Her body is wasted too much. The servant can only temporarily relieve her shackles. The silver needle must be pulled out immediately..."

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Before the Queen Mother could reply, she heard the sound of chasing outside, and everyone in the room was stunned, only to see King Fart staggering in, followed by Eunuch Fuhai with an anxious face, a large number of guards and two imperial physician.

"Feifei..." The Fart King seemed to be looking for me specially. Regardless of the persuasion of everyone behind him, he asked me as soon as he woke up. Only then did he know that I was put in prison, and immediately ran over with injuries, and suddenly saw I was so shocked that I couldn't speak!

"What... what's going on here? Who will tell me, what's going on?" The Fart King was furious. He wanted to save me but he didn't dare to move casually.

The queen mother and queen were overjoyed, "My lord, are you awake? How is your body? Why did you come here like this? You don't have much rest..."

"Queen mother, tell me, what's going on?" The stinking fart Wang Shengsheng interrupted the Queen Mother's words of concern. Seeing that the person who gave the needle was still holding my chest with one hand, his pale face was instantly full of evil, " Someone, pull him out and chop him up!"

The man's expression changed drastically. Before he could speak, the guards came up from behind and pressed him to the ground. His hands left my body, and my body seemed to have lost its support, hanging down softly...

", what's going on here?" Suddenly seeing seven shiny silver needles on top of my head, his heart trembled, even he couldn't help but gasped and said, "Seven needles make acupuncture points?"

He suddenly turned around and picked up the person who gave the needle, and said violently: "You actually used seven needles to make acupuncture points on her? Ah!" With a loud shout, he punched him with a bang. The person didn't dare to resist, and fell away. Go, Fart King himself was bounced back and fell away. Fortunately, the guards helped him in time.
(End of this chapter)

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