The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 279 The Fart King was furious and started killing 2

Chapter 279 The Fart King was furious and started killing 2
Chapter 130 Six, the Fart King was furious and started killing


Turning around abruptly, he picked up the person who gave the needle, and said violently: "You actually used seven needles to make acupuncture points on her? Ah! You bastard!" With a loud shout, he punched him with a bang, and the person dared not resist , Flying away, the Fart King himself was rebounded and fell away. Fortunately, the guards helped him in time.

With this force, all three wounds on her body burst open, and the queen mother said urgently: "Your Majesty, your body is critical..." The two accompanying imperial doctors immediately stepped forward to rescue, but they were kicked away by the king of stinky farts.

As if he had lost control, King Fart shouted wildly: "Pull him here!" The guards tied up the person who gave the needle when they heard the words, King Fart ignored the Queen Mother, and said to the human: "Hurry up and give her a hand!" Untie, or I will destroy your nine clans!"

The man didn't look particularly horrified, but he still gave me a solution after hearing the words.

The seven needles were pulled out one by one, as if taking my life, the rope on my body was torn apart, and I was like a body without a soul, hanging limply to the ground.

"Feifei... Feifei..." The Fart King caught me, saw that I had no signs of life, and was furious, "I don't allow you to die, you are not allowed to die without my order! Come, send all the imperial doctors Announce them all!"

The Fart King drank violently, causing the wound to be bloody, but he held on because of his anger and did not fall down.The Queen Mother burst into tears again, "Your Majesty, take care of yourself, she will be fine..."

The Fart King turned his head to face the Queen Mother with a "whoosh", his evil eyes were full of resentment, and the Queen Mother stopped talking without the courage to finish her sentence!

"Queen, did you order Feifei to be arrested? Why? What did she do wrong? You want to torture her so cruelly? Does the queen want to kill the prince?"

The queen mother was shocked, and staggered back in horror, "Your Majesty..."

King Fart's face twitched in pain, looked at me who had only half life left in his arms, and said to the queen mother word by word: "If the queen mother wants to kill her, kill the prince first!"

The queen mother trembled, staggered back and was about to fall, but was supported by the queen in time, "Your Majesty, the queen mother is also thinking about your safety, she..."

"Shut up!" Shouted the Fart King, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when he opened them again, his body was filled with a violent and evil aura, "Xueyan, I always thought you were very knowledgeable. You are a dignified and stable person, but you have disappointed me too much this time!" After speaking, without looking at her, he called out, "Come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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