The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 280 The Fart King was furious and started killing 3

Chapter 280 The Fart King was furious and started killing 3
Chapter 130 Six, the Fart King was furious and started killing


"To shut up!"

The Fart King shouted loudly, closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his body was filled with a violent and evil aura, "Xueyan, I always thought you were very knowledgeable, dignified and stable, but this time you let me down too much. Disappointed!" After finishing speaking, she stopped looking at her and called out, "Come here!"

The queen was finally moved, and called out tremblingly, "Your Majesty..."

The King of Stinky Fart's anger seemed to be squeezed out of his throat, and he shouted hoarsely: "Abolish Queen Murong Xueyan and demote her to Concubine Yan. Execute all the people here, and put him..." King Fart Fart pointed at the needle The man said, "Five horses cut the body apart!"

Then he turned around and said to the inconceivable queen mother, "It's best for the queen mother to stay in the Longevity Palace and not go anywhere!"

After that, hold me and go!
"Your Majesty..." The Queen Mother suddenly hugged him from behind, crying, "What's wrong with the Queen? Why did you punish her? It's all bad for the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother is willing to bear it all!"

The Fart King didn't move, but hissed coldly: "I've seen this person before, he's from the Murong Mansion." He was talking about the person who gave the needle, and he knew that the man was from the Murong Mansion, so of course he knew it was him. The Queen called.Then turning around, Sen Leng said with great hatred: "Wang'er hopes that the queen mother will cherish the people around me in the future. Isn't the beauty of death not enough? Do you want to force her to death again? Even if Feifei really wants to harm me, For me, it is also a happy thing! Unfortunately, she didn't even hurt her, let alone..." Thinking of this, she suddenly stopped talking.

Yes, I never even thought about harm, let alone love!
The queen mother was stunned on the ground, and the queen stepped forward to help her up, her voice was mournful, but she definitely did not show any sign of weakness, she analyzed to the stinky fart king in a leisurely manner: "Your Majesty, no matter what punishment you have for Xueyan, Xueyan will be punished. Yan is willing to accept it. It's just that the queen mother is only thinking of the king. You are the queen mother's flesh and blood. She is afraid... afraid that the people around you will be bad for you. Heart?..."

The Fart King tightened his grip on the person in his arms, and said weakly and weakly: "My heart...has already been broken into pieces..."

************************************************** ********
I don't know how many days I slept, but when Youyou woke up, I was sleeping on a very big bed.Looking around, there is a luxuriously furnished and well-decorated bedroom palace.There is only one palace lantern burning in the room, and on the gilded chair engraved with black dragon coils, a very familiar figure from the back is reading the memorial.

My head is a little fuzzy, and I don't seem to have anything, but I am very familiar with this place, and even have a friendly taste.Even the back figure, when I glanced at it, I felt a little timid and guilty, but I was not really afraid of him, and there were even some unexplainable feelings lingering.

So, I thought hard, opened my eyes wide and looked at his back...
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Chapter 130 Seven Sequelae of Seven-needle Acupuncture

(End of this chapter)

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