The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 284 Little Angel Comes to Rescue, Another Secret Trick 4

Chapter 284 Little Angel Comes to Rescue, Another Secret Trick 4
Chapter 130 Nine Little Angels Come to Rescue, Another Secret Move

The Fart King is standing outside the door to protect the law, stopping those guards who don't know where they are, in case they hear my "loud" voice and rush in like a thief...

After a long time, the hand behind my back slipped down like a collapse, and the water splashed with a "wow", I finally stopped shouting, and when I lost my energy, I realized that I was so tired that I was about to collapse, but my body miraculously recovered. Standing upright, still unable to move.

There was a clumsy sound of splashing water behind him. It seemed that someone slipped into the water after collapsing, then struggled to get up again, then flipped out of the barrel clumsily, and fell to the ground with a "bang".

I really want to turn around, but I can't move, so I can only ask with concern: "Hey... what's wrong with you?"

No one answered me, there was a sound of getting dressed, I wanted to ask him again, but suddenly felt that countless pictures flashed in my mind, disturbing me, they were rampant in my head, It seemed to be united, and it seemed to be repelling each other, "Ah..." I yelled again, but it was a scream, because my head was about to be squeezed by them...

With the sound of footsteps, Fart King quickly came in, saw me looking crazy, and said in horror: "What's going on?"

The man in black leaned on the ground and said weakly: "Tap Baihui acupoint on her head lightly, quick!" The King of Stinky Farts did not hesitate, he slapped it with a powerful force, and I didn't even groan , passed out.

"Feifei... Feifei..." The Fart King was shocked, and the man in black had already explained first: "The head is the meeting place of all suns, the branch of the hundred meridians, and the Baihui acupoint is the place where the energy of the meridians converge. It belongs to yang and contains yin in yang, so it can access the yin and yang veins and connect the meridians of the whole body. It plays an important role in regulating the balance of yin and yang in the body. At this moment, she is only in the confluence of internal balance, and it will be fine when she wakes up naturally. At that time, she will return to normal, but part of her memory will disappear..."

"Wow", he spat out a mouthful of blood, but because he was wearing a bamboo hat, King Fart still couldn't see his face, just looking at his current situation, he must be extremely weak.Fart King's eyes flickered, the man obviously saw it, "haha" smiled, and after spitting out a mouthful of blood, he became more energetic, and continued: "My true energy circulates in the meridians of her whole body, through the hot water Helping is equivalent to several people hurting her at the same time, but my skill has not exceeded her, so if you want to kill me now, you have to pay a big price!"

Fart King's eyes flashed again, obviously he had seen through his inner thoughts, but looking at me who was unconscious, he raised his eyebrows and said disdainfully: "If I want to kill you, I won't take advantage of others. Besides, you did save her once." Fate, I will let you go temporarily, next time, don't let me touch you!"
Next episode preview:

Chapter 140 The big pervert is missing, the little villain is visiting

(End of this chapter)

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