The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 285 The big pervert is missing, and the little villain is visiting 1

Chapter 285 The big pervert is missing, and the little villain is visiting 1
Chapter 140 The big pervert is missing, the little villain is visiting


Fart King's eyes flashed again, obviously he had seen through his inner thoughts, but looking at me who was unconscious, he raised his eyebrows and said disdainfully: "If I want to kill you, I won't take advantage of others. Besides, you did save her once." Fate, I will let you go temporarily, next time, don't let me touch you!"

"Ha ha…"

The man in black gave a long laugh, turned over and jumped up suddenly, passed through the window, and disappeared into the night in an instant... The horror in the eyes of the fart king flashed, obviously he was deeply afraid of that man's profound skills .

But he didn't know that the man in black was just pretending, he vomited blood as soon as he went out, and then staggered away...

************************************************** ********
"Brother Wang, why don't you let me in, I want to see Feifei, I heard she woke up, that's why I came here!"

"No! She is too weak to talk. Go back and don't make Brother Wang angry!"

"No, I'll just go and see. Why did you hide her? It's been almost a month. I'm so worried that I finally heard that she woke up. I have to go and see. This time I can't be bad. Listen to Brother Wang, I'm going to break in..."

"try it yourself…"

"Bad bad? Bad bad is that you?" I was awakened by the quarrel outside in the blur, it was bad and fart king, I sat up quickly, and found that all my clothes had been changed, and I was startled. Looking at the surroundings so familiar, it turned out to be the bedroom of the Fart King.

"Hey, Feifei called me..."

The little villain smiled triumphantly, raised his eyebrows at the fart king, and jumped in a few steps.The Fart King had a dark face, but he didn't stop him, and followed in.

"Ah, Feifei, you're really awake! Do you know, you've been asleep for almost a month, and I heard your cries in my own bedroom yesterday, so I know you must be awake, so today I have to wake up no matter what. Come to see you. How are you? Let me see!"

The little villain was so excited, he circled around me, pinching my body left and right, making me itchy to death.

"Hehe, don't... it's so itchy!" I waved my hand away to drive her away, the Fart King coughed in displeasure, the little villain stopped playing in moderation, and suddenly took my hand, his face was very painful Xi, "My God! Your hand..."

(End of this chapter)

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