The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 293 The Big Pervert Amnesia, Only He Doesn’t Know Me 5

Chapter 293 The Big Pervert Amnesia, Only He Doesn’t Know Me 5
Chapter 140 The big pervert has amnesia, but he doesn't know me


I still have to pretend... There is only one, how could there be another one... ah!I looked around, how come... there are two?I was also shocked, this... what's going on?There was only one ring, but it suddenly became two?Still the same?
Oh my god... What happened during the time I was in a coma?

The big pervert reached out to take it, but I took it back reflexively, "You gave it to me, have you forgotten? You said you wanted to marry me as your princess, so you took this as a token of love, don't you? Forgot all?"

"I, marry you?" He pointed at himself, and then at me, "Hehe, my king always likes to joke around. Is there anyone in the palace who doesn't know who doesn't think about you but takes it seriously. Maybe this king really gave it to you." Well, but this king has indeed forgotten! Well, if you like it, you can keep it, this king has to leave beforehand!"

He had a romantic and unrestrained appearance, shrugged his shoulders indifferently, got up and was about to leave.

I was so shocked that I staggered a few steps to stop him, and asked sadly: "So, you are really playing with my feelings, aren't you? Everything you said before is false, isn't it? And your The just casual, isn't it? Even saying that you want to elope with me that night is teasing me, isn't it?"

I bit my lip, holding back my tears, not letting them roll down...

He is not a ruthless person, and he probably knew that he hurt me. He frowned, and said with an apologetic and sincere expression: "I'm really sorry! I thought it would be harmless to make some jokes, but I didn't expect to hurt you. If you want If so, this king can accept you as a concubine, then..."

Before I finished listening, I interrupted him, "Big pervert, you once said that you will only marry Feifei as your wife in your life, and you will never think of anyone else, do you remember?"

He frowned again, then shook his head with a wry smile. "This king probably said too much, I really don't remember such a sentence!"

I took a big breath, and asked with the last struggle: "Then, you once said, 'Feifei, believe it or not, life begins to be wonderful with you in this life' is a lie to me, right? "No matter what time, no matter where, no matter what appearance, you are my Fei Fei! I don't regret this!" It's just a joke, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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