The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 294 The Big Pervert Amnesia, Only He Doesn’t Know Me 6

Chapter 294 The Big Pervert Amnesia, Only He Doesn’t Know Me 6
Chapter 140 The big pervert has amnesia, but he doesn't know me


I took a big breath, and asked with the last struggle: "Then, you once said, 'Feifei, believe it or not, life begins to be wonderful with you in this life' is a lie to me, right? "No matter what time, no matter where, no matter what appearance, you are my Fei Fei! I don't regret this!" It's just a joke, right?"

His expression was startled, as if he was lost in thought, and he was slightly in pain.

I cheered up, "Big pervert, you remembered, didn't you? You... did you have some kind of head injury? So you forgot something?"

He shook his head blankly, "I seem to have said it, but I really can't remember it...I'm sorry, I really...don't remember..." He looked at me apologetically, although he felt a little distressed, but it was purely an expression of apology. The time... has already begun to be unfamiliar...

I moved away weakly, and looked outside the house, the cool breeze blowing my head full of melancholy, took away the only bit of warmth I had.

All the fragility and sadness flooded into my heart in an instant, hitting my already battered heart wave after wave. "It turns out that the so-called promise is really so fragile! It's ridiculous that I kept it in my heart, licking it day after day, until now I don't want to believe it, I treasure it Yes, it's just an empty word, an empty word without a heart, a joke that destroys my heart..."

I can't go on anymore, I helped the wooden door, took a deep breath, it was so cold... so cold...

"Feifei..." He seemed to feel that he was going too far, grabbed my shoulder from behind, and was vulnerable with me, and said softly, "I'm sorry... I didn't expect you to be so serious..."

I suddenly turned around, looked at him with tears in my eyes, and asked painfully: "Seriously? Shouldn't feelings be serious? In the eyes of His Royal Highness, what should be serious?"

He froze for a moment, speechless.

"Haha", I laughed miserably, and then showed a bright smile. Although there were still two lines of tears hanging down, I stuck out my tongue at him, smiled playfully, and hooked my little finger.He trembled violently, his eyes narrowed tightly, and then he showed a confused look, and bent down as he said.

I leaned close to his ear, and said in a fragile voice: "Big pervert, this is the last time I call you that... I hope you will remember everything one day, and then forget them all... Because, you are happy !"

After insisting on finishing speaking, I showed a bright smile again, but couldn't help rolling down two lines of tears.If you really want to break up, I will send you away with a smile...

He froze there... He looked at my smile without saying a word, the smile full of tears, very bright, very sad, very desperate, very happy... His eyes were unclear, so there was a hurt from the heart , but with confusion and a little strangeness... I was afraid that I would fall down if I couldn't hold on, so I turned around and went back to the inside...

Cry... silently cry!Well, falling in love is falling in love, it's just being dumped, it's no big deal!Gritting my teeth, I bitterly thought, big pervert, I will make you regret it...

Damn, love is gone, only chastity is left!
Huh, 10 chapters were released today, and another 10 chapters of "Stand-In Princess" were also released. Only now did I realize that my fingers are really numb~~~
Dear friends, go to bed early after watching. Tomorrow Monday, you have to get up early for work and school~~~ Hurrah, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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