Chapter 295 Nothing but hatred! 1
Chapter 140 The second is nothing but hatred!


I don't know how long it has passed, there has been no movement outside, and I don't know if he has left.

I lay face down on the bed, and the pillow and quilt were all wet by me, but after crying for a while, my heart became much happier.There was an inexplicable emptiness, I needed to fill something in my heart, and suddenly a burst of anger rushed in, occupying the place where love was originally.

I swear, from now on, I will take revenge by all means!Let all those who hurt me go to Hades!Those who hurt me, I can't even count on my fingers, but it doesn't matter, come one by one, it will always be the turn...

"Cough..." With a tickle in his throat, he crawled off the bed, and just as he turned around, a cup of tea was handed to him.

"Ah...", I exclaimed, "Your... Your Majesty? Why are you... here?" I took a step back, patted my chest, scared me to death, walked silently, without saying anything first …

"Drink a glass of water first..."

He passed his hand again, I took it obediently, and drank it in one gulp.I was so thirsty, "Can I have another drink?" I asked Xixi with my head held up in pity.He smiled, it was still warm, and poured me another glass, which I drank again in one gulp.

"Are you OK?"

I shrugged my eyebrows and exaggerated deliberately: "Joke, what can I do, it's so easy!" Since he asked this way, he must have been staying nearby to eavesdrop on our conversation.Hmph, it doesn't matter if you know, anyway, you can't hide it from him.

"Really?" He smiled noncommittally, but took out a handkerchief to wipe my tears.He didn't say anything, but only proved with his actions that he thought something was wrong with me, otherwise his eyes would be swollen like lanterns from crying, so what would it be for?

I let him provide gentle and highest-level service, and it was worth thinking about it. An emperor wiped my tears for me, what else is there to be dissatisfied with!
"Your body is not fully recovered yet, you need to rest more, don't think too much, or you will hurt your brain!" He seemed to have suddenly changed, no longer the domineering and evil before, replaced by a big satyr Such tenderness and consideration, plus mother-in-law...

(End of this chapter)

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