Chapter 296 Nothing but hatred! 2
Chapter 140 The second is nothing but hatred!


I nodded obediently, "Well, I got it! But I've been asleep for a long time, and now I can't sleep."

He gave a "chi" smile, tapped my forehead, and said dotingly: "Who told you to sleep now, go eat with me." After finishing speaking, he took my hand and walked outside.

I was in a trance for a moment, pulling me, like a big pervert...

Then he shook his head fiercely, forget about the big pervert... He is also one of the people who hurt me!Moreover, I was the one who hurt me the most, so badly wounded that my body and mind were broken...From now on, there will be no big perverts, only His Highness King Yun...

A meal made me tasteless, but I didn't want to be seen by the fart king, so I deliberately pretended to be very happy and flattered.

But my expression fell into his eyes, but it just made him frown deeper, as if the happier I was, the more worried he was, so I didn't even know how to pretend!Forget it, what he is doing, what I love...

Abandoning the bowls and chopsticks, I want to play with Xiaobaihuai, but he didn't object much, he just told me to come back early to rest.Of course I nodded and agreed, but I just felt that he became more talkative, and he really became the big pervert from before, which made me hallucinate from time to time...

There is nothing else to find Xiaobaibai, the main reason is to deal with Ye Qianqian.

The little villain is angry, but the pervert is there too, maybe he is apologizing to the little villain.Xiao Wuzi sang loudly that I was coming, Xiao Huaihua looked up at me, and I smiled, "Baiaba, what is so sad?"

She was quite surprised by my smile, but she still replied: "Huh! I'm so mad, I won't talk anymore. Have you eaten yet? I'm starving to death..."

I laughed exaggeratedly and embarrassed her, "Isn't it? I'm so sad? Didn't eat any food? It's not worth it!" I told Xiao Wuzi to hold a banquet.Seeing the big satyr, he obediently bowed, "I have seen His Royal Highness King Yun." Then, as if I didn't know him, I dragged the little villain into the room to talk.

The big satyr was slightly disappointed, he probably thought I was going to pester him like before, but in the end he just treated him like a stranger.He watched the two of us enter the room with uncertain expressions, and left with a sigh...

It's strange that Xiaobaibai is big. When asked about me and the big pervert, I just didn't mention it. I changed the subject and said: "Baby, didn't Xiao Wu go to Ye Qianqian last time? Is there a map? ? Get me one, I can use it."

(End of this chapter)

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