Chapter 297 Nothing but hatred! 3
Chapter 140 The second is nothing but hatred!


It's strange that Xiaobaibai is big. When asked about me and the big pervert, I just didn't mention it. I changed the subject and said: "Baby, didn't Xiao Wu go to Ye Qianqian last time? Is there a map? ? Get me one, I can use it."

It happened that Xiao Wuzi had already set up a banquet, so I had to accompany Xiao Huai to eat some more.

Little Wuzi has gone to draw a picture, and when he finishes it, we will be full.Look at the drawing, it's still a little level, not bad.Frowning brows, Xixi said mysteriously: "Okay, let's do another big thing now. Huhu, let's go!"

Xiaobaibai is very interested, and has long forgotten the unhappy things.

The three of us ran to the Imperial Garden, and there were still some people walking along the way.Probably it will be the Queen Mother's birthday in a few days, so everyone is getting busy.I remembered what Xiaobaiba said last time, didn't the Queen Mother stay behind closed doors?However, when your birthday is over, you still have to come out to meet people.

Not surprisingly, we saw the big satyr and Yueyue'er in the imperial garden, sitting in the gazebo enjoying the scenery, the two seem to be close, but there is a little distance between them.They also saw us, I bowed from a distance, the little villain pouted and pulled me away.

Hiding our heartache, we hid in another corner of the garden, and the action began.

The little bad guy looked for branches and scratched around, "Feifei, why are you catching bugs? It's so disgusting, who do you want to punish? Ah, is it my second brother? That bastard, I don't care about him anymore !"

I smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, it must be very useful. Otherwise, if the princess does it herself, if there is no earth-shattering effect, wouldn't it be an overkill? It's summer and there are a lot of bugs!"

As soon as the words were finished, Xiao Wuzi pouted his buttocks and jumped up, "I found it, I found it, ha..."

The two of us heard the sound, "Mmm, it's disgusting!" The little villain covered his nose and mouth and ran away. I took a look, and the fluffy ones were really scary!Even the goosebumps came out.Xiao Wuzi took out the bottle, picked it in with a branch, and carefully screwed on the cap.

Then, the mammoth work continues.

(End of this chapter)

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