Chapter 298 Nothing but hatred! 4
Chapter 140 The second is nothing but hatred!


With our unremitting efforts, we finally caught several bugs, all of which were very, very scary.I didn't dare to take that bottle, and the little bad guy was even more forbidden, and kept far away, causing Xiao Wuzi to suffer a lot of grievances, and was yelled at by the little bad guy not to come close, and he couldn't even go back. Let Xiao Wuzi enter the house.

Haha, even the little villain is afraid of becoming like this, not afraid that Ye Qianqian will not go crazy!
Now, a martial arts expert is needed.Ye Qianqian has such a Sulan palace lady, she has kung fu, but we can't, we will be found out as soon as we go.Alas... I miss the little angel so much, and Chu Xuan...

My heart began to ache again, so I had to force myself to forget about them!
Put the things in Xiao Wuzi's place for the time being, let him take good care of them, and don't let them die.When I got back to the house, the Fart King was waiting for me. He seemed relieved to see me come back "safely". When he saw the plaster all over my body, he actually smiled: "You girl, what's the matter? It's all plaster, what's wrong with it?"

As soon as I heard it, I was full of vigilance, ouch, he won't send someone to follow me again, right?If he finds out, it won't work!

With a smile all over his face, he deliberately changed the subject and said, "Your Majesty, why are you here? Do you need me? You are so busy, don't always care about me so much, I will be very embarrassed..."

His eyes sparkled, as if he didn't expect my attitude to be so good, he bent his lips and said with a smile: "It's not because I'm waiting for you to eat."

Ouch, it's okay not to mention it, but I'm really hungry when I talk about it.He smiled embarrassedly, but he didn't care, he still took my hand and walked towards his bedroom.The dinner was already set up, so without further ado, I just picked up the bowl and ate it.But he ate very little, just looking at me blindly, with endless smiles in his eyes, and added food for me from time to time.

"Your Majesty, Feifei wants to visit my sister, let me go, okay?"

He frowned, and was about to refuse, but I had already seen it, and said coquettishly first: "Your Majesty, let me go, I really miss her..." After speaking, he pursed his mouth, looking like he was about to cry.

He sighed and nodded helplessly.

I was overjoyed, so happy, I ran up to him, put my hands around his neck, and kissed him on the cheek with my hands, "Your Majesty is so kind!" After leaving these words, I went back to the house That's it, the fart king with his face covered in oil was left, in a daze alone.

(End of this chapter)

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