Chapter 299 Nothing but hatred! 5
Chapter 140 The second is nothing but hatred!


It was almost midnight, and I still refused to sleep.

Actually, I couldn't sleep.Although I look indifferent in front of others, only I know that when I calm down, my heart will be so painful that I can't hold it!big satyr..why are you doing that to me?Didn't we agree, let's leave here and live a happy life that belongs to us...

Why do you miss the appointment, and then you don't come to see me when I'm sick, and when I get better, you suddenly forget about me...Why?Do you know, how much I love you, how much I hate you!

You are the first person I love with my heart, and the first person who broke my heart!As long as I close my eyes, all the past will flash, your smile, your eyes, your pain, your helplessness and heartbreak...

Suddenly there was a "whoosh", and someone entered the room.Without even thinking about it, I turned around and called out, "Big pervert..."

However, he was strangled in the throat again!But he immediately changed into a smiling face, and added a false accusation, "Ziyu? How could it be you? Why did you come to see me? What did you do? Did you forget me too? I haven't come for so long, I I thought you didn't know how to get here!"

He stared at me blankly for a while before hiding his inner feelings, but he still said emotionally: "I am relieved to see that you are well! It's not that I won't come to see you, but that the palace is under martial law. I I can't get in at all. In addition, the king added your concubine Su to my father, so I have to send it back first, and then come to pay respects to the queen mother."

I remembered the thing about the pervert going back with them, and I was speechless for a moment.

Ziyu looked at me with flickering eyes, "What's the matter? Chu Xuan..." I stretched out my finger to stop his lips, and forced a smile: "Don't talk about this, are you okay? Why do you want to come to see me today? ?”

He frowned, sighed helplessly, and said: "We just arrived yesterday. Today we came to pay our respects to the queen mother and the king. I remembered that I haven't seen you for a long time, so I went to see you desperately."

He didn't say anything, and of course I understood what it was.He understood, was moved in his heart, and the smile on his face was even more touching, "Ziyu, if he can do the same, I will die without regret!"

(End of this chapter)

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