Chapter 300 Nothing but hatred! 6
Chapter 140 The second is nothing but hatred!


He didn't say anything, and of course I understood what it was.He understood, was moved in his heart, and the smile on his face was even more touching, "Ziyu, if he can do the same, I will die without regret!"

His expression was shocked, as if I had touched a painful spot, he hesitated to speak, I took the initiative to hug him, and said quietly: "Ziyu, don't say anything, I know it all. Let me lean in your arms, I will be happy." cold…"

It was already summer, and the nights were not cold.But my coldness is my heart...a heart broken into countless pieces...

"Ah, by the way, you came just in time!" I took out the picture drawn by Xiao Wuzi and handed it to him, "Ziyu, if I have any difficulties, you will definitely help me!" I'm really afraid that he won't agree.

He looked at me displeased, and I immediately changed my face and said with a smile: "Hehe, don't be angry, I understand. This is Ye Qianqian's bedroom, I need your kung fu to use it."

He knows my relationship with Ye Chen's mansion, even my mother was rescued by him.He didn't say anything at the moment, looked at it, and put it in his arms.

So, on the second night, from Ye Qianqian's bedroom, there was a sudden earth-shattering cry. The three of me, Xiaobaiba, Ziyu, hid in the darkness and laughed.

Then the call seemed to be still moving, sometimes in the front hall, then ran to the yard, and then went to the back hall...

"Haha..." I couldn't help laughing, but Ziyu quickly covered my mouth, "Do you want to recruit guards? Laughing so proudly and wildly, I really shouldn't help you, it's just outrageous..."

"Bah, bah, bah!" I knocked off his hand and yelled at his ear, "Remember how she framed me. Now, I'll just retaliate, and the best is yet to come Well. You are now riding a tiger, and there is no way out. If you retreat halfway, I will report you to the fart king, hehe! Let's see who is the best!"

The little villain was covering his mouth and giggling. I couldn't see Ziyu's face clearly in the dark, but I knew his face was stinky after thinking about it!However, I immediately leaned over and shrugged his shoulders, and said coquettishly, "Ziyu, I know you are the best for me, don't you? Hehe!"

He is helpless, he has already boarded my pirate ship, so there is no reason for him to get off!I went back to Xiaobaibai again, and told Xiao Wuzi to act like this, and he left in a hurry.

So, the next day, rumors spread everywhere in the palace, saying that the concubine Xian's old illness had relapsed, and she became insane, broke everything in the palace, and injured the maid who was close to her...

(End of this chapter)

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