The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 303 The Empress Dowager’s Birthday, Xian Concubine Goes Crazy Again 3

Chapter 303 The Empress Dowager’s Birthday, Xian Concubine Goes Crazy Again 3
Chapter 140 Third Birthday of the Empress Dowager, Concubine Xian Goes Crazy Again


Ye Qianqian moved, but she still had no expression on her face. She couldn't compare with her charming and bright appearance before.

"I have been grounded, how can I go out? I can only stay here for the rest of my life...for a lifetime...for a lifetime..." She murmured, and suddenly stood up like crazy, grabbed my neck and went crazy Shouting, "It's you, it's you, the little bitch, that caused me to be grounded! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

I didn't prepare for her going crazy, and I was grabbed by her, and I broke her hands reflexively, and kicked her hard without idling.

"Ah!" She seemed to be a little confused, she didn't hide, she was kicked by me, and she fell to the ground.I took a few breaths, and she turned over and forced her up.


I exclaimed and ran away, yelling in my mouth, "Mother... I have something to say... When did I hurt you... Make it clear before you do it... I won't run..."

Hey!That's not right, I'm running fast now!
"Huh", a figure landed in front of Ye Qianqian like a bird, and stabilized her, "Your Majesty, don't get angry, ask first, she won't be able to run away! Be calm, don't spoil the big deal."

Su Lan's words were quite effective, Ye Qianqian restrained a little after hearing this, and slowly sat back in the gazebo with Su Lan's support.But he still looked like he was going to eat me in horror.I stuck out my tongue and said with a grin: "That's right, this is the dignified, beautiful and generous concubine Xianfei!"

"Hmph! Shut up!"

After Su Lan settled her down, she suddenly turned around and yelled at me, and even looked at me viciously.I know she is very good at kung fu, a good girl doesn't suffer from immediate disadvantages, so let's bear it.Although the anger is tolerant, the words have to be said.

"Okay, shut up and shut up! But don't regret it. Originally, Feifei came to help my sister because of the deep love between sisters. Who knows that you don't appreciate it at all, so forget it! Madam, the servant is resigning!"

After all, I really turned around and left.

But I thought in my heart, you must not be fooled again, I am very kind!Don't blame me for not reminding you all, so as not to make you all go crazy in time!


(End of this chapter)

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