The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 304 The Empress Dowager’s Birthday, Xian Concubine Goes Crazy Again 4

Chapter 304 The Empress Dowager’s Birthday, Xian Concubine Goes Crazy Again 4
Chapter 140 Third Birthday of the Empress Dowager, Concubine Xian Goes Crazy Again


Brake, brake quickly.

Turning around, putting on a bright smiling face, he said with a grin: "What's the matter? Do you have any orders from the empress? As long as Feifei can do it, he will definitely go all out."

Ye Qianqian just stared at me fiercely, and the court lady Su Lan interjected, "You said you came to help your empress, what's going on?"

snort!I knew you would be hooked!A bad-hearted woman always only thinks of her own interests, she got burned, don't blame me!Immediately sighed intentionally, and quietly said: "Feifei heard that my sister was grounded, and there were rumors in the palace again, and I couldn't bear it, so I came to find a way for my sister."

Ye Qianqian couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted like crazy again: "You didn't frame me, otherwise I would have been imprisoned by the king. The sweating medicine must have been prepared by you in advance! But the king didn't listen to me Explain...I...I killed you..."

Before she finished speaking, she rushed over like a dominatrix, but fortunately Su Lan stopped her.

Darling, it turns out it's because of this that you hate me so much!I said, why would he kill me as soon as he saw my face? I didn't have any patience for acting, and it turned out to be like this.

I rolled my eyes, and shouted angrily, "Sister has been fooled!"

They were stunned when I drank them!I knew the effect was coming, so I hurriedly said, "Sister, don't even think about it. If it's Feifei who is also unconscious, if you know what's going on with the sweat medicine, why would you take it? By the way, the dream sweat medicine is Where did you put it? In the wine?"

The two of them looked at each other, and there was a look of doubt in their eyes that I expected.Su Lan said bitterly: "The imperial doctor checked and found that the medicine is on the pancake."

Oh hahaha~~~Of course I know where the medicine is, it was bad that it was poured into the wine first, and then you put it on the pancakes after we fainted.He laughed secretly in his heart, but on his face he suddenly realized, "Oh, that's how it is!" Then he said in doubt: "No, why did my sister prescribe medicine to the king?"

Ye Qianqian shouted: "How could I prescribe medicine to the king! Someone must have framed him!" After speaking, she stared at me again.

I quickly waved my hand and said, "Sister, please don't get me wrong! Feifei absolutely doesn't know about this! The pancakes have always been in the hands of her sister, and Feifei has never touched them before. How can there be a chance? Besides, Feifei still counts on her sister How can you self-destruct your future if you support and cooperate?"

(End of this chapter)

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