The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 314 The Empress Dowager’s Birthday, Xian Concubine Goes Crazy Again 14

Chapter 314 The Empress Dowager’s Birthday, Xian Concubine Goes Crazy Again 14
Chapter 140 Third Birthday of the Empress Dowager, Concubine Xian Goes Crazy Again

But, I don't know, because of this, I missed a lot of things that could have been redeemed...

On a clear summer night, there are many stars, if you look closely, there are many stars that are in pairs.They seem to be side by side, but they are so far far away from each other that they will never be able to gather...

The main hall is still very lively, all the bans have been cancelled, so almost everyone who can come to participate has come.

I finally saw the queen, oh no, it was Concubine Yan Murong Xueyan.She was dressed in a purple-red phoenix robe, almost the same as before.Still sitting at the head of the concubines, his face is peaceful, dignified and beautiful.The next one is actually Concubine Yan, looking around with a full of charm, as if tonight's birthday banquet is prepared for her.Next is Ye Qianqian, a good concubine. She has changed from the decadence she was when I visited her the day before yesterday.There are a few concubines below, which I have never seen before.

When I looked at them, they were also looking at me, and they all showed surprise, jealousy, and envy.I was inexplicable for a while, and walked towards the little bad boy.

"Feifei, come to me."

The hall suddenly fell silent, and my heart jumped suddenly. I didn't dare to raise my head, and I didn't dare to refute. I walked slowly towards him under the eyes of everyone.King of farts, what the hell are you doing, you bastard?There are so many people here, and suddenly they call me so loudly, really...

I know that everyone's eyes are on me, like a light on my back, almost making me breathless.It was hard to get to him and stand beside him, but it was like a long march of hundreds of thousands of miles. Damn, I'm exhausted!
"Ah", I whispered.

"Don't be afraid, sit next to me." Unexpectedly, King Fart suddenly pulled me to sit down.Sit next to him, on the same chair as him.I didn't dare to look up at people anymore, he told everyone not to stop and continue drinking.

There was a commotion, but he suddenly leaned into my ear and said softly, "It's very beautiful!"

But I was fooled!What does he mean?I lowered my head in a daze, my mind went blank, I thought of something vaguely, but I dare not admit it!But...everything makes me have to think about that...

(End of this chapter)

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