The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 315 The Empress Dowager’s Birthday, Xian Concubine Goes Crazy Again 15

Chapter 315 The Empress Dowager’s Birthday, Xian Concubine Goes Crazy Again 15
Chapter 140 Third Birthday of the Empress Dowager, Concubine Xian Goes Crazy Again

There was a commotion, but he suddenly leaned into my ear and said softly, "It's very beautiful!"

But I was fooled!What does he mean?I lowered my head in a daze, my mind went blank, I thought of something vaguely, but I dare not admit it!But...everything makes me have to think about that...

The hall continued to be noisy, and the previous excitement was restored, but I fell into a void, not knowing where I was.Everyone was drinking and drinking, the hall was full of singing and dancing, but I acted as if I didn't hear anything, just deaf...

He won't make me his concubine, will he?
Could it be that Yan'er gave me clothes on purpose? I remember that Yan'er also said that this is the red color that only concubines in the harem can wear, except for princesses of course.No wonder the big satyr said that I "call myself a slave"... No wonder the little villain had a mysterious face, looked at me strangely, and refused to say it... No wonder Ziyu said that this was the last time he called me "Feifei" , help me for the last time, I will never need him again...

Fart King, you bastard!When did I promise you?

The hand unconsciously touched the neck, and was startled, there were two rings there, one belonged to the pervert, I didn't return it to him, the other should belong to the fart king, right?Why... would I have his ring?

I looked blankly at the King of Farts beside me, he was drinking endlessly with everyone.It happened that Ziyu came to toast, and he saw my blank face, and his face instantly became stunned. The King of Farts also took advantage of the situation, and I bowed my head in a hurry...

"Why don't you eat? Are you hungry?"

His mouth was full of alcohol, and he approached me ambiguously.I step aside a little, met his eyes, and asked weakly: "Why?"

He looked at me deeply, of course he knew what I was asking.After a long time, he drank the wine in his hand, faced me again, and said deeply: "Because I fell in love with you!
I trembled involuntarily and froze there.

He suddenly looked at the ring on my neck, and his eyes suddenly became foggy. He didn't know if it was alcohol or love, but he looked so charming, and made people feel lonely and cold. He said very emotionally: "You Promise me, this is proof!"

(End of this chapter)

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