Chapter 321 No Marriage For One Year! 1
Chapter 140 Within a year, no marriage is allowed!


He couldn't speak, but I tilted my head to face him, tremblingly took off the hanging ring, took out his one, and put it in his palm. "Big pervert, I have returned my promise to you, when will you return my heart to me?"

"Feifei... Feifei..."

The big pervert's hands trembled, he closed his eyes, his face was extremely painful, I seemed to see his inner struggle and inexplicable resistance, as if he was resisting a very powerful force, holding my hand, And between our hands, there is that ring, his promise...

Suddenly, he stopped trembling, but there were tears in the corners of his eyes, but his eyes were still closed, his lips were slightly parted, as if he was about to say something, I became nervous for no apparent reason, our handshake was like a bridge , connected to each other's hearts, he knows my pain, and I feel his pain...

He muttered, eyes still closed, as if in a dream, his slightly parted lips finally made a sound, "Feifei, you have to wake up, I have guarded you for seven days, if you don't wake up again, I will I went with you... Feifei, wake up quickly... wake up quickly..."

If I was struck by lightning, I could not move for a long time!

The pervert...he...he was talking about the scene when I was whipped dozens of times in the brothel and almost died!He stayed by my bed day and night just to wait for me to wake up...then he cried too...just like now...

Did he... did he remember?
My heart ached with tears streaming down my face, and I was almost speechless. After a long time, I choked up and said, "Big pervert... Feifei is open your eyes and look at me...I am your Feifei..."

He seemed to be imprisoned in a dream, as if he would come out no matter what, I called out several times, but he didn't open his eyes to look at me, he just wept sadly, and still murmured, "Feifei, Wake up quickly..."

I was terrified, and I pulled him hard by the hand he was holding. He suddenly woke up, his body stiffened, and when he saw my face, he softened again, and said painfully: "Feifei, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry. I didn't expect to cause you such harm! But it's too late to make up for it now, you are already the imperial concubine, I...I can only do my best in the days to come, when you need take this ring Come on, it has a specific meaning on certain occasions, maybe it can help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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