Chapter 322 No Marriage For One Year! 2
Chapter 140 Within a year, no marriage is allowed!


I don't know if he's back to normal, but I looked at him fixedly and called softly: "Big pervert, if you still remember who I am, take me away!" He was stunned, his face full of guilt and helplessness , and some unknown factors, "I...I can't! Yueyue'er, she..."


I took my hand back abruptly and interrupted him, "I see, you don't need to say anything!" He is still not my pervert, so what happened to him just now?What happened to him with that kind of calling and the confinement of dreams?
"Big pervert, I will keep this ring! But you have to promise me one condition!"

He nodded, and said with a little joy: "As long as you don't suffer so much anymore, I will definitely do it!" Then he seemed to feel his face was cool, and he wiped it off with his hand, but his hand was wet, and he was a little surprised!He didn't seem to know that he was crying just now...

I saw all this, held up the ring and said, "You owe me this, so you have to pay me back, right?"

He wanted to nod, but he was worried about something, and said in a rather embarrassing way: "But, I can't marry you now..." I interrupted him, "It's not that I want you to marry me! It's that I want you not to marry Yue Yue'er so quickly. Marriage! You are only giving marriages now, and you are not married yet, right? I want you not to marry her, let alone touch her, within one year no matter what method you use! Can you do it?"

He frowned and thought for a while, as if he was still hesitating, I burst into tears and said sadly: "Could it be... don't you agree to this?"

He panicked, and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I promise you!" Then he sighed again, "Oh... what's the use of this? You are a concubine, don't do stupid things, I won't agree of…"

My heart was relieved, and with a bright smile, Lihua said with tears in her eyes, "Then don't worry about it, anyway, you just agree! I will naturally find a way to solve all problems!"

He looked at me blankly, and I smiled playfully again: "Okay, you can go! Remember what you promised me, if you say that you don't remember anymore, I will kill you with my own hands, and then commit suicide!"

He was taken aback by my serious expression, nodded in agreement, and left.

(End of this chapter)

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