The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 323 Give You Your Body, Give Me Freedom 2

Chapter 323 Give You Your Body, Give Me Freedom 2
Chapter 140 Six Give You Your Body, Give Me Freedom!

Before I could say a word, I was blocked by him again, I remembered what the pervert had promised me, my heart was filled with strength, I dodged his request again, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, please listen to Feifei's words! "

He finally stopped, but still lying on my body, raised his head, looked at me deeply, and said with hot air, "Okay, tell me. I'm listening."

I was very uncomfortable being looked at by his deep eyes, turned my face away and said: "Your Majesty, Feifei fell in love with you wrongly, and I will let you down in this life!" Sitting up all of a sudden, as if returning to the previous king of stinky farts, the evil and cold aura was suddenly released, and then looked at me closely as if penetrating me.

I muttered, moved my body, and still said fearlessly: "Your Majesty, Feifei wants to leave here, no matter what the conditions are!"

His brows twitched, his eyes pierced, and he snorted coldly, "Do you think you have any bargaining chips? I have already made you an imperial concubine, where else do you want to go?" His tone changed, with hurt in his mouth The tone said: "I am so kind to you, you still want to leave me? Yunyi is about to get married, he already has a princess, you still don't give up? What exactly do you want to stay by my side?"

I knew that I had hurt him, so I softened my tone and said, "Your Majesty, love does not mean that whoever treats you well should be together. I only have reverence for the Majesty, but no love. If I stay here, it is just a body." ..."

He suddenly roared uncontrollably, as if he wanted to release all the forbearance of these days. "Even if it's just a body, stay by my side!"

After speaking, I was swept up again like a flood, I was horrified, and said loudly: "If the king wants it, Feifei's body is given to you, and you give me freedom!"

All his movements stopped at the same time, he looked deeply into my eyes, and hissed in pain: "I have done so much, but in exchange for these words of yours... Don't you have me at all in your heart?"

I was about to reply when Eunuch Fu Hai suddenly said outside the door: "Your Majesty, the bad princess is asking to see you, and she said that she will bring you wedding wine!"

The Fart King wanted to yell at me and say no, but he looked at me and changed his mind.Maybe I wanted to persuade me badly, so I got up and said, "Let her in."

(End of this chapter)

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