The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 324 Give You Your Body, Give Me Freedom 3

Chapter 324 Give You Your Body, Give Me Freedom 3
Chapter 140 Six Give You Your Body, Give Me Freedom!

I was about to reply when Eunuch Fu Hai suddenly said outside the door: "Your Majesty, the bad princess is asking to see you, and she said that she will bring you wedding wine!"

The Fart King wanted to yell at me and say no, but he looked at me and changed his mind.Maybe I wanted to persuade me badly, so I got up and said, "Let her in."

I hastily straightened my clothes and sat up from his bed, the little villain had already entered with a smile, carrying a jade plate with a wine jug and two cups inside.

"Brother Wang, I know that today is a day of great joy for you and Feifei, so I specially prepared good wine." Then he picked up the jug and filled the two quilts with wine, first gave the smelly fart king a glass, and then handed it to me. Have a drink.I frowned, not knowing what she was trying to do, but she quickly blinked at me when she saw something bad, and then looked at the wine glass, I suddenly realized.

He pulled the two of us together with a bad smile, and then put our arms into a cup shape, and then said with a smile: "Come on, come on, of course we have to drink a cup of wine on the big day! Hurry up, brother Wang will take the lead. "

Fart King's complexion improved a little bit, I saw that he was still a little upset, so I took the lead and drank it clean.

"Ahem, it's so spicy! Damn, what kind of wine did you take, it's so spicy!" I patted my chest and coughed loudly, but the King of Farts laughed suddenly, and then took a sip of the wine in the glass And do.

Xiaobaiba laughed, "This is wedding wine, what kind of wine can it be!"

Then he took my cup, filled it up for the Fart King, said something himself, raised his cup and said, "Brother Wang, congratulations, Feifei is a good girl, you have to love her well! you!"

The Fart King shrugged his eyebrows and drank it all in one gulp!The little villain filled it up for him again, "Brother Wang, you have to drink nine cups in a row for a wedding, so it will last forever!"After drinking nine cups in a row, it was bad to let him go.

Then Badass gave me a weird smile, and said to King Smelly Fart: "Brother Wang, Badass won't bother you anymore! Get some rest early, and come back tomorrow morning to say goodbye to Badass!"

After all, he ran away.I was the only one left, staring blankly at the stinky butt king.His face was gradually turning red, and even his eyes were full of alcohol. Also, no matter how good a drinker is, even if he drinks so many glasses, he will always get drunk.

The point is, this guy must have made a mistake!My heart skipped a beat, I haven't used up the Mongolian sweat medicine last time, so it won't be so bad to save me, right?
(End of this chapter)

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