The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 325 Sneaking out of the palace, Tiangao let me do it!

Chapter 325 Sneaking out of the palace, Tiangao let me do it!

Chapter 140 The seventh chapter sneaked out of the palace, Tiangao let me do it!

The Fart King staggered a little, shook his head, I took the initiative to help him up, walked to the side of Wang's bed, and coaxed softly: "Your Majesty, you are tired, Feifei will serve you to rest!"

Go to sleep, I'll just run away when I'm asleep!
Seeing that I took the initiative to go over, the king of farts stretched his eyebrows and eyes a little, hugged me a little domineeringly, fell on the bed, turned over and pressed on me, leaned his head and kissed me, but his body sank, and he fell asleep!

I'm overjoyed, bad bad really has a hand!
It took me a lot of effort to finally turn the body of the king of stinky farts over, it's really heavy!Then he covered him with a quilt again, and everything was in order, ha ha!One last look and I'm leaving!

"How? Are you dizzy?"

Xiaobaibai went back suddenly, I hurriedly pulled her and said happily: "How did you think of it? Like me, I am going to do this too! I was preempted by you, but fortunately you came, otherwise I would be miserable !"

Xiao Huaihua pulled me away, "Get busy with business first, and talk about it later." He ran to the desk in the outer room and rummaged up and down, left and right.I was surprised, "bad bad, what are you looking for?"

Without turning her head, she continued to rummage, and replied: "With a jade finger, there is no one that can't get out of the palace."

With a thought in my mind, I took out a jade wrench from my pocket and said, "Is it this?" Last time I was bored, I found it in the desk drawer of Stinky Fart King. I thought he was useless, so I held it in my hand. I went up, thinking about when I will leave the palace, I will take it out and sell it for money.

Xiao Huaihua looked at the jade wrench in my hand, his eyes lit up, he quickly grabbed it and said, "Yes, that's it. It's all about going out of the palace at night, otherwise the palace gate won't be opened! How could you have this?"

I laughed out loud, it seems that God still takes good care of me!

Eunuch Fu Hai was still guarding outside, but he was already dozing off. As soon as we came out, he was awakened. I quickly put my finger to my mouth, "Hush! The king is drunk! Don't wake him up, I will I have something to say to the princess, go back and rest!"

Fu Hai nodded, turned around and went, I hurried back to the house and changed my clothes, pretending to be a little bad servant, the two of us went out of the palace all the way, because there was a reason for pulling fingers, no one blocked the way, it was the middle of the night, the two of us Finally out of the palace, free!
Feifei Xiaoyu: I am slowly getting lost in my life~

From now on, let's not go back and move forward bravely!
(End of this chapter)

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